
W.O.D. 4.27.21


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Meeting ID:826211138960

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22 Minute AMRAP
9 Burpees
3 Squat Cleans (95/135#)
9 V-ups
800 Meter Run

Our Steve's Club community lost an amazing young man and leader. Luiz was a member of the Steve's Club Denver chapter, his life was tragically cut short by gun violence at the age of 22. He leaves behind a 6 month-old baby girl. We will honor him with this workout. He loved burpees and cleans, he was 22 and the rep scheme incorporates is birthday 9-3-98. The longer run is intentional and is meant as a time for thoughtful reflection. 

“The price of success is hard work, dedication to the job at hand, and the determination that whether we win or lose, we have applied the best of ourselves to the task at hand.”
 ― Vince Lombardi


  1. 7a
    Kevin M 3+21+200m (50#)
    Anna C 3+21+576m (1500m C2,65#HPC)
    Cherie 2+21+400m (20#DB)
    JP 3+21 (100m Row)

  2. 6am
    Mike Mel 4+4 rx
    Colette 4+11 (1200 c2, single leg v up)
    Sean f 4+21+200m rx
    Kate c 3+21+800m c2 (1600m)
    Danielle g 3+21 rx
    Mike c 3 (95)
    Kevin b 3+21+400m rx
    Mike San 3+10 (95)
    Subhan 4 rx (22:50)
    Mark sp 3+21 rx
    Jamie sp 4+15 rx
    Brian s 4+21 (1600 c2)
    Julia 3+21+100m (65 hang pwr, tuck)
    Clara 3 (55, tuck)
    Rahmon 4+10 (95)
    Aimee 3+21 rx
    Cate 3 in 23:23 rx

  3. Jill H 3+19 (85)
    Mary H 3+21 (c2, 75)
    Juliette 4+1 (400m, 15#hpc, tuck)
    Natalia 3+3 (c2, 55, tuck)
    Emily G 3+10 (85)
    Ana C 3+21+400m rx

    Kevin H 3+21+400m rx
    Pete D 3+21+400m rx
    Meg D 3+12 rx
    Carl B 4+21 rx (+150m c2 bike)
    Pam G 4+21 rx
    Rich A 3+21 rx
    Jess A 3+21 (+1000m c2, power clean, push up)
    Meredith 4+11 (400m, 85)
    Dave H 3+21 (+600m)

    Anne B 3+21 (+400m bike, 63, 1800m)
    Kathy 3 rounds, 22:49 (53, 1600 bike)
    Terry J 3 rds (800/800/400, 63)
    Gordy 3+9 (95, u up)
    Ina 3 rds (800/800/400, 58)

  4. 5:30
    Danielle C 3+21 65# C2
    Ryan P 3+2+400 rx
    Austin 3 65#
    Kate A 3 55#
    Marissa 3+21+300 125# rx+
    Johnathan 2+21+600 rx
    Danan H 3+21rx

    Gia 3 rx
    Michelle 3+21=+400 65#
    Taylor 2+21+200 55#
    Alex B 3 rx
    Leah 3+32 shoulder taps squat thrusts 65#
    Emma 3+21+400 85#
    Max 3+21+400 rx
    Steph C 2+21+600 85#
    Matt E 3+6 rx
    Missy 2+21+400 75#

  5. 430
    Mike Mit 2+21+750m rx
    Olan 3+21 rx
    Keith 3+13+150m (1800 c2)
    Alicia =]
    Meg O 3+21+600m rx
    Dana D 3+21+400m rx
    Sam Bo 3+21+625m rx
    Jill M 3+21+400m rx
    Karen Maley 3+21+700m c2 (1800m c2)
    Rand 3+21 rx
    Laura Sm 3+21+200m (75, tuck hollow)
    Joe S 3+21 rx
    Denise C 3+1+200 rx
    Yex 3+9 (85)
    Roberto 3+21 rx
    Remer 4+14 rx
    Annette 3+21+100m (500m runs)
    Donna G 3+21+1000m rx
    Renee 4+51 (85)
