
W.O.D. 3.26.21

Join us on ZOOM... 
6 AM 
Meeting ID: 808492185
zoom password 321go

Meeting ID:88548453602
zoom password 321go

For total time: 
15 front squats
30 toes-to-bars
15 thrusters

Then, rest 1 minute before continuing with:

15 front squats
30 chest-to-bar pull-ups
15 thrusters

Then, rest 1 minute before continuing with:

15 front squats
30 bar muscle-ups
15 thrusters

Workout 21.4 begins immediately upon completing or reaching the time cap for 21.3
Time cap: 15 min

Complete the following complex for max load:
1 deadlift
1 clean
1 hang clean
1 jerk
Time begins immediately following the completion of 21.3.
Time cap: 7 min

"Limitations live only in our minds. But if we use our imaginations, our possibilities become limitless." —Jamie Paolinetti


  1. 14:17 (v-ups, scaled dips, stunk bugs)/ 133#

  2. Donna G 76/ 8:02/ 117 rx
    Jill H 100/ 6:39/ 112 rx
    Mary H 105/ 6:50/ 117 rx
    Kevin H 158/ 8:26/ 155 rx
    Karen Maley 151/ 8:31/ 145 rx
    Missy 135/ 14:34 sc/ 70
    Subhan 138/ 10:35/ 165 rx
    Bridget 147/ 9:55/ 145 rx
    Aimee 170/ 6:10/ 127 rx
    Dana 146/ 9:51/ 137 rx
    Colette 135/ 7:08/ 175 rx
    Cate 150/ 7:32/ 140 rx
    Panos 141/ 7:50/ 195 rx
    Dan L 135/ 9:03/ 135 sc
    Johnathan 144/ 10:02/ 185 rx
    Meredith 75/ 7:27/ 105 rx
    Pam G 152/ 7:56/ 147 rx
    Ana c 142/ 7:35/ 135 rx
    Pete D 149/ 8:07/ 165 rx
    Rich A 171/ 6:57/ 235 rx
    Jerry 120/ 14:56/ 175 rx
    Joe C 135/ 12:34/ 175 rx
    Jess A 15 rx/ 100
    Natalie Dr 135/ 9:15/ 135 rx

  3. Jeremy D 120/13:48/175
    Mak 135 10:29 145
    Julia C 135 11:31 155#
    Kevin B 140 9:11 175
    Danielle C 147 10:14 75# (scaled)
    Anna C 15 95#
    Mike S 80 9:32 115#
    Meighan D 135 10:08 110
    Kate C 85 6:40 130#
    Theresa L 135 13:20 120
    Rahmon 141 scaled 145 (not in open)
    Mike C 120 14:47 130# (not in open)
    Susan 75 9:44 105#
    Briana K 105 6:18 115
    Manisha 134 13:23 100#

  4. Emma 79/ 5:09 rx/ 100
    Marc 135/ 12:27 rx/ 185
    Max 141/ 11:20 sc/ 175
    Jenna 143/ 9:46 rx/ 135
    Marissa 153/ 7:55/ 155 rx
    Mark Sp 135/ 11:58 rx/ 185
    Dana D 145/ 7:42 rx/ 125
    Jason 135/ 13:08 rx/ 185
    Dave H 135/ 10:58 rx/ 206
    Jamie Sp 135/ 7:06 rx/ 157.5
    Sean M 145/ 7:05 rx/ 205
    Bhargav 135/ 8:09 sc/ 125
    Greg A 136/ 10:41 rx/ 165
    Mike Mit 14:55 sc/ 155
    Sean F 12:55 rx/ 255
    Laura St 45/ 95# rx
    Karen Mas 151/ 10:13 rx/ 105
    Danielle G 135/ 9:13 rx/ 155
    OLan 136/ 12:20 rx/ 155
    Roberto =]
    Yex =]
    Renee 135/ 7:47 sc/ 100
    Chris D 165/ 10:53 sc/ 62
    Samson 155/ 8:133 rx/ 175
    Gianfranco 145/ 9:56 rx/ 205
    Ryan P 141/ 8:49 rx/ 245
    Alan K 9:02/ 45# sc foundations

  5. Melendez 143/ 9:04 205 RX
    Chris L 128/ 12:34 170 rx
    Carl B 145 / 8:10 195 rx

  6. Terry J 82/.12:43 75# RX
    Steve Z 12:11 SC 65# foundations

  7. Ina 135/ 8:56 65# scaled
    Anne B 75/ 9:12 75# rx

  8. Joe M 101/7:12 165 Rx
    Keith B 105/5?17 250Rx
    Remer 151/5:50 185 Rx
    Joe S 135/11:55 185 Rx
