
W.O.D. 2.23.21

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Meeting ID:826211138960

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Squat Clean

Cash out:
For time:
30 GHD Sit-ups 
10 Squat Cleans
25 GHD Sit-ups 
8 Squat Cleans
20 GHD Sit-ups 
6 Squat Cleans
15 GHD Sit-ups 
4 Squat Cleans
10 GHD Sit-ups 
2 Squat Cleans

*Use 70% of your 1 RM

“All growth depends upon activity. There is no development physically or intellectually without effort, and effort means work.” 
– Calvin Coolidge


  1. 6am
    Colette 195/ 10:10 rx
    Mike Mel 245/ 12:02 rx
    Julia c 165 Pr/ 11:18 ab
    Mak 150/ 11:42 rx
    Mike San 140/ 10:40 ab
    Subhan 175/ 8:45 ab
    Kevin b 200/ 11:11 rx
    Mike c 145/ 10:36 ab
    Mark sp 200/ 12:13 rx
    Jamie sp 170/ 8:27 rx
    Greg a 205/ 12:25 rx
    Kate c 145 Pr/ 12:07 ab

  2. Aimee 174/ 9:59 rx
    Cate 145/ 9:47 rx
    Jenna 165/ 13:35 rx

    Brian h 255/ 10:12 rx
    Mary h 115/ 10:42 (10 ghd/ rd)
    Jill h 115/ 10:30 (-5 ghd each rd)
    Marco 179

  3. 6:30
    Ben 205 17:02 Ab mat
    Alex B 115 15:12rx
    Emily Gallo 100 11:11 ab mat
    Gia 105 11:45rx
    Leah 95 11:58 bike cals
    Kevin M 165 16:48 Ab mat
    Steph Curson 95 10:50 Ab Mat
    Matt E 215 15:04 rx
    Max 175 10:15 Ab Mat
    Missy 85 12:54 Ab Mat

  4. Noon
    Pam G 165 11:24 rx
    Carl 240 9:54 rx
    Geoff 185 9:20 Ab mat
    Sam Bo 255 10:33 1/2 ghd 1/2 ab mat
    Jess A 105 12:04 ab-mat/ Power/ squat
    Jess S 105 10:40 abmat
    Pete d 180 7:27 115# abmat
    Rich A 304 16:47 rx
    John Mc 165 11:50 115# abmat
    Chris L 200 12:21 rx
    Leigh 115 12:09 (10 GHD per rd)
    Meredith 115 11:45 rx
    Ana C 161 10:13 rx

  5. 4:30
    Donna G 120 10:11 abmat situp
    Renee 100 12:43 rx
    Karen Maley 155 12:24 rx
    Karen Mast 135 9:21 abmat
    Mike Mit 175 11:50 105#
    Olan 10:54 abmat
    Matty Bo 185 8:57 ab mat
    Dave H 255 15:16 abmat situp + ghd
    Remer 260 13:21 rx
    Natalie D 160 12:36 rx
    Laura S 103 8:42 tuck/hollow
    Jonathan B 255 PR! 16:06 rx
    Josh Mc 255 PR 13:31 145#
    Meg D 105 11:16 rx

  6. 5:30
    Danielle C 95 PR! 11:35 abmat
    Ryan S 205 13:15 rx
    Joe S 275 14:29 rx
    Jerry T 175 11:35 ab mat
    Randy 225 13:55 rx
    Danielle G 155 13:48 Rx
    Quenten 185 13:49 abmat + ghd
    Bhargav 145 11:26 abmat
    Ryan P 275 14:45 rx

  7. Replies
    1. 7a Zoom
      Theresa 120# 9:22 Rx
      Anna C 102# power PR! 7:40 Pwr
      Jon P 225# 9:20 Rx
      Jaya (form) 9:00 hang
      Kevin M 75# 8:30 75#
