
W.O.D. 12.9.20



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Meeting ID:88548453602

zoom password 321go

3 Rounds for Max Reps:
1 minute of burpees
1 minute of wallballs
1 minute of deadlifts
1 minute of GHD sit-ups
1 minute of hang power cleans
1 minute REST

♀ 14-lb. ball, 75-lb. deadlifts and cleans 
♂ 20-lb. ball, 115-lb. deadlifts and cleans 

(score- record total reps for all three rounds)

Advent Day 9:
Most unbroken Peg-Board Ascents
(M/F winners)

"Try not to become a person of success, but rather try to become a person of value."
- Albert Einstein


  1. 88+90+94= 272 (goblet squats 12 kg,regular sit ups)

  2. 112+120+124 (air squats / ab mat) 341

  3. Aimee 345 rx
    Mary h 215 (10# wb)
    Jill h 271 rx
    Dana h 279 rx
    Cate k 299 rx
    Roman f =) (8#wb,plank, 35#)

  4. Ben B 162 rx
    Rich A 399 (25 dBHPC, 53#kbDL, ABMAT)
    Jess A 230 65# SDL 15 slamball abmat
    Grace A 214 10#
    Jonathan B 244 rx
    Kevin H 300 rx
    Jess S 260 abmat
    Chris L 254 rx
    Matty Bo 240 rx
    Meredith 248 rx
    Geoff 225 95# abmat, 20# db thruster

  5. 6a
    Mark S 226 Rx
    Julia C 282 abmat
    Mak H 277 Rx
    Jamie S 364 Rx
    Colette 341 Rx
    Brian S 305 Rx
    Karen Mal 310 Rx
    Sean F 295 Rx+ (135#)
    Meighan 241 Slamball
    Mike C 234 Rx
    Greg A 252 Rx
    Subhan 275 abmat
    Theresa L 291 8ft/abmat
    Anna C 241 65#/air WB/abmat
    Susan A 240 abmat
    Manisha 264 65#

  6. 430
    Dana d 307 rx
    Karen mas 255 rx
    Joe s 252 rx
    Jill m 320 rx
    Natalie dr 270 rx
    Randy 265 rx
    Remer 306 rx
    Mchugh 200 rx
    Sal 274 abmat
    Mike mit 238 (power clean, rom)
    Olan 271 abmat
    Tunde 228 (10, ab)
    Renee 309 (12,60)
    Ana c 348 rx
    Roberto 245 abmat
    Yex 275 rx
    Natalie de 235 (45,8’,10#, abmat)

    Josh Mc 272 rx
    Keith 243 rx
    Mike Mel 289 rx
    Nick c 192 (105)
    Danielle g 323 rx
    Ryan p 237 rx
    Gia 230 rx
    Bhargav 228 (75, abmat)
    Sam b 313 abmat
    Marissa 320 rx
    Matt e 300 abmat
    Danielle c 211 (55,8’)
