
W.O.D. 11.2.20


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Meeting ID:88548453602

zoom password 321go

For time:
100 Double Unders
40/30 Calories Air Bike
30 Power Snatch (65/95#)
30 Burpees

*(Every two minutes complete 7 Chest to Bar Pull-ups)*

"Far and away the best prize that life has to offer is the chance to work hard at work worth doing." 
- Theodore Roosevelt


  1. 12pm
    Carl B 11:05 rx
    Pam G 13:12 (4c2b)
    Pete D 12:41 (50du, 7 push up)
    Jill H 13:48 (30 du, c2bike, 5 rom pu, 55)
    Rich A 12:57 rx
    Jess A 16:49 (40du, c2 bike, rr, 15#)
    Jackie 17:50 sc =]
    Ben B 16:54 (100 su, 3 c2b)
    Max 17:47 (75, 7 pu)
    Sam bo 11:29 (rr, 50 du)
    Brad 13:19 (3c2b)
    Colette 13:17 *1 rd rr)

    Aimee 11:59 rx
    Cate K 14:34 (7 kbs 44#)
    Jenna 17:05 rx

  2. 430
    Raj 15:56 (rr/ c2)
    Keith 19:59 rx
    Mr. Intensity 16:42 (super sc)
    Remer 10:43 rx
    Mark S 17:48 rx
    Matt Bo 16:01 pu
    Johnathan 28:03
    Karen Mas 17:55 (pu, su 200)
    Laura 19:54 (50 dua, 45)
    Joe M 16:20 (200su, 65)
    Natalie 17:26 (3 ish c2b)
    Olan 19:38 (pu, 75du)
    Jess 15:28 (pu, 45)
    Leah 17;03
    Julie 16:30 sc
    AMM 15:21 (c2, 55)
    Dana D 15:32 rx
    Gianfranco 21:04 (75, pu)
    Grace 17:30 (rr)
    Donna 13:48 (rr, 55)

    Sal 16:00 (65, row, bpu)
    Sarah 17:39 (rr, 55)
    Bhargav 17:55 (200su, 65, pu)
    Matt 19:23 (pu)
    Laura 15:59 (4pu, c2, 35)
    Nicole 13:18 sc af
    Megs 17:11 (ski, c2, 4c2b/ 55)
    Kevin 13:01 rx
    Ana C 15:04 rx
    Randy 15:10 rx
    Danielle 17:44 (33, su, bpu)
    Colin 17:46 (65, 4c2b)
    Greg 17:39 (75)
    Ryan 15:59 rx

  3. 6a
    Jamie S 13:01 Rx
    Danielle G 16:00 4 C2B att
    Mak 14:40 4C2B
    Mike Mel 13:59 Rx
    Kate C 17:21 5 Pullups
    Julia C 15:01 4C2B Band
    Kevin B 13:45 75#/5C2B
    King 15:07 Push Ups/75#
    Mike C 16:51 30cals/65#/5Pull Ups
    Ben M 17:29 50 DUA/75#/PullUps
    Anna C 14:00 7BO Rows/45#/Penguin Claps/C2 40cals
    Susan A 19:38 45/Band
    Manisha 45#/5C2B

    Anne B 13:21 200 Single Unders/7BO rows (20#DB)/33#
