
W.O.D. 11.11.20


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Meeting ID:88548453602

zoom password 321go

Around 2008, Dave Castro was a SEAL Qualification Training instructor down in Coronado when he met Wilkinson, who was already a SEAL and going through the course again after re-enlisting. “We kinda treated him differently because he was already one of us,” Castro said. The two developed a rapport and stayed in touch over the years especially as Wilkinson’s wife Sara became a L4 coach and flowmaster, who owned CrossFit Odyssey in Virginia Beach, where Chad was stationed. When Sara spoke at her husband’s funeral, she recounted a recent story when she walked into the garage to find Wilkinson doing step-ups wearing a backpack. He was training to climb Aconcagua, the tallest mountain in South America, by doing 1000 step-ups at a time. “You need to make that a Hero workout,” one of the CrossFit L1 seminar staff attendees whispered to Dave. 

Together with Sara Wilkinson, we bring you the hero workout "Chad", in honor of Navy SEAL Chad Wilkinson who took his life on October 29, 2018 due to the effects of numerous deployments, several TBIs, blast wave injuries and PTSD. Our goal is to honor Chad's life and legacy and by raising awareness for suicide prevention. 

Make sure to CLICK HERE and check out the Go RUCK site @goruck so you can purchase a T-shirt or patch. 

You can also CLICK HERE to go to the Navy Seal Foundation Website and donate directly @navysealfoundation.org

Today we honor all Veterans who have served the country in war or in peace.  Thank you to ALL Veterans for their sacrifice.

for time:
1000 step ups (35/45# to a 20" box)

Coaches Notes:
Bring a backpack to use for this workout and we can fill it with the appropriate weight for you. Other scaling can come in terms of a reduction of height on the box and or volume of step ups. 

"Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment." 
- Buddha


  1. Mike Mel 52:20 Rx + some lbs!
    Kaen Maley 60:00 739 reps @ 35.5 #
    Kate C 47:45 15#/1/2)
    Ben M 81:57 40/30
    Kevin B 62:50 35#
    Rahmon 70:35 37#

    Aimee 65:33 17" 35#
    Cate K 60:02 17" (500 w/ 19#, 500 w 0#)
    Edwin 66:03 15#

    Haley 72:23 17" 35#

    Jenna 60:15 12# 20"
    Lea W 53:38 14# to 20"
    Leah M 62:12 (300 reps 20#/700 reps 0#) 20"
    Julie 66:53 20" 30#
    Jess A 80:46 (17" 0#)
    Pete D 58:06 (20" 0#)
    Ben B 60:00 of work and fun! 20# 20"
    Sam Bo 57:38 (some vest)
    Joe S 46:15 0# 20"
    Matty Bo 38:48 500 reps 32# 20"
    Matt Tax 70:29 (0# to 20"_
    Rich A 58:03 0# to 20"
    Brian H 58:13 (39# to 20")
    Leigh 56:33 (200 10#/300 0#) to 17"
    Meg D 62:17 17" (500 - 19#) (500 0#)

  2. 430
    Mike Mit "still at it"
    Karen Mas 60:15 (14#)
    Mae 66:30 (13", 12#)
    Laura S 59:56 (17", 14#)
    McHugh 104:27
    Marissa 61:23 (14#)
    Jonathan 87:03 rx
    Raj 64:57 (17")
    Mak 66:12 (17" 25#)

  3. 530
    Jody and Shawn =)
    Matt e 69:33 no weight
    Elina 51:29 no weight 13”
    Bhargav 54:42 no weight
    Jess m 57:40 (17”, 20#)
    Gia 66:13 no weight
    Sarah j 71:05 no weight
    Erika 75:00 13”
    Ana c 66:10 (14#)
    Colin 59:02 no weight
    Danielle c 64:41 (15#, 17”)

  4. "Samson, sweated and stumbled into the teen class"
