
W.O.D. 10.27.20



Four - 6 Minute Rounds:

Minutes 0 - 6
Run 400 Meters
Build to a 7 RM Power Clean
(record total weight)

Minutes 6-12
Run 400 Meters
Build to a 5 RM Power Clean
(record total weight)

Minutes 12-18
Run 400 Meters
Build to a 3 RM Power Clean
(record total weight)

Minutes 18-24
Run 400 Meters
Build to a 1 RM Power Clean
(record total weight)

Coaches notes:
Athletes should be able to take two to three sets for a max weight in each 6 minute round. Record totals for each round...weights should increase each round. 

"We must all learn not only to not fear change, but to embrace it enthusiastically and, perhaps even more important, encourage and drive it." 
– Tony Hsieh


  1. 6am
    Josh Mc 155/185/195/215
    Subhan 145/165/175/195
    Danielle G 130/140/150/155
    Jamie Sp 135/145/155/165
    Mark Sp 145/165/185/215
    Mak 125/140/150/170 (2 min runner)
    Rahmon 125/145/155/175
    Kevin B 145/165/185/200
    Kate C 115/130/135/145
    Julia 105/115/125/150
    Greg A 145/165/185/195
    Mike Mel 165/185/215/245 pr

  2. 7a Zoom
    Anna C 75/85/95/100 (PR!)
    Kevin M 95/95/95/95
    Cherie (# of PC/rd) 11/20/35/38 18#DB

  3. Aimee 125/0/135/140
    Cate 0/125/140/145

    Brian h 185/225/235/245
    Jeff b 185/235/250/265
    Jill h 95/105/115/120
    Jackie h 115/130/140/150 (walk 200m)
    Shawn w 145/165/185/185
    Mary h 95/ 110/ 110/ 130 Pr (300m)
    Susan a 85/95/105/0

  4. 12pm
    Jess a 135/169/170/200 (deadlift)
    Rich a 198/ 231/ 253/ 282
    Colette 125/ 140/ 155/ 173
    Carl b 165/ 205/ 220/ 235
    Pam g 125/ 140/ 150/ 155
    Ana c 103/ 123/ 143/ 153
    Matt tax 100kg/ 0/ 0/ 120 kg
    Chris l 143/ 153/ 163/ 178
    Jess s 85/95/0/105
    Pete d 125/135/155/180

  5. Masters- deadlift
    Terry 103/122/143/163 (500m row)
    Kathy 92/102/122/122 (400m row)
    Anne b 113/133/143/173 (450m row)
    Gordy 255/ 285/ 325/ 355 (400m run)
    Alan 120/150/180/230 (500m bike, 4min interval)

  6. Nova
    Tyler 195/22/5245/265
    Cate 85/105/120/135 Pr
    Julia 75/85/90/95
    Alfred 115/135/185/215 pr

  7. 430
    Micah 185/215/0/255
    Keith 205/225/235/275
    Randy 155/185/205/225
    Olan 155/165/185/205
    Meg O 125/135/145/150
    Karen Mal 125/145/155/160
    Tunde 75/85/100/125
    Donna 95/110/135/135
    Jess M 65/65/75/115
    Natalie Dr. 120/135/145/165
    Mae T 75/85/85/93
    Laura S 85/95/0/100
    Manisha 85/95/105/110 pr!
    Alana 70/90/90/105
    Kevin H 165/185/210/235
    Raj 135/155/165/190
    Remer 175/195/225/245
    Sal 75/95/115/165
    Matty Bo 165/185/205/225
    Joe S 185/225/245/275

    Bridget 125/140/160/ 180 pr
    Alex 35/45/55/65
    Kayla 35/35/45/45
    Ryan P 185/215/235/255
    Nick C 115/135/145/155
    Bhargav 115/135/145/150
    Roman 45/65/75/75
    Elina 35/45/55/65
    Coln 135/145/155/165
    Ben B 145/175/ =]/ =]
    Laura S 70/85/90/95
    Johnathan B 165/175/195/205
