
W.O.D. 10.26.20


King and Queen WOD 4:
“September 2020”

The townsfolk have gone crazy…there is pandemonium in the streets. The built up intensity is palpable and the end is near…everyone can feel it. Can you direct that energy with purpose? Have you done enough to secure your place in history or will you look back full of regret? Go big or go home with WOD 4.

All for total reps:

within a 2:00 minute window complete:
200 Meter Run, then
Max Hand Release Push-ups
(record total reps)

rest 1:00 

within a 2:00 minute window complete:
200/250 m Row, then
Max kipping handstand push-ups
(record total reps x2)

rest 1:00 

within a 2:00 minute window complete:
10/15 Calories on the Air bike, then
Max strict handstand push-ups
(record total reps x3)

rest 1:00

within a 2:00 window complete:
50 double unders, then
Max distance handstand walk
(record distance in total mats in 6ft increments...each mat 1`= 6 ft = 6 points, walks must be completed in 6ft increments)

“It’s not the moments of achievement or recognition that stick with you, it’s the getting there.” 
- Kristen Bell


  1. 6 am
    Rahmon 36 rx
    Kevin B 56 rx
    Julia C 60 rx
    Brian S 99 rx
    Mak 35 rx
    Ben M 30 rx
    Danielle 39 rx
    Mike San 24 rx
    Michael Co 34 rx
    Mike Melendez 83 rx
    Kate C 25 rx

    Susan A 35 rx
    Manisha 33 rx
    Anna C 69 scale

    Dana H 68 rx
    Dave H 81 rx
    Micah 81 rx
    Pete D 138 rx
    Mary H 22 rx
    Jill H 34 Rx
    Carl B 184 Rx
    Kevin H 71 rx
    Jess A 16 rx
    Alex B 30 rx
    Rich A 128 rx
    Chris L 81 rx
    Pam G 65 Rx
    Ana Costa 110 Rx
    Brian Haines 75 rx
    Sam B 65 rx
    Aimee 205 rx
    Cate 167 rx

  2. 4:30
    Roberto 91 rx
    Yex 35 rx
    Alana 28 rx
    Sal 38 rx
    John mc 31 rx
    Jonathan B 62 rx
    Olan 44 rx
    Mike Mit 31 rx
    Keith 25 rx
    Randy 61 rx
    Karen Mastrocola 26 rx
    Remer 218 rx
    Dana D 78 rx
    Mae Torres 39 rx
    Joe C 60 rx
    Natalie Draham 48 rx
    Lea W 57 rx
    Laura A 46 rx
    Laura S 26 rx
    Matty Bo 39 rx
    Grace A 27 rx

  3. Sarah J 25 rx
    Jess S 27 rx
    Ben B 47 rx
    Ryan P 65 rx
    Ryan S 59 rx
    Marissa 97 rx
    Raj 26 rx
    Danielle C 19 rx
    Greg A 63 rx
    Bridget 70 rx
    Meg D 42 SC
    Jamie S 74 rx
    Mark S 58 rx
    Colin 29 rx

  4. Sarah J 25 rx
    Jess S 27 rx
    Ben 47 rx
    Ryan P 65 rx
    Ryan S 59 rx
    Marissa 97 rx
    Raj 26 rx
    Danielle 19 rx
    Greg 63 rx
    Bridget 70 rx
    Megs 42 SC
    Jamie 74 rx
    Mark S 58 rx
    Colin 29 rx
