
W.O.D. 10.22.20



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Meeting ID:826211138960

Meeting ID:88548453602

zoom password 321go

For time:
500 Meter Row
20 Shoot Throughs
500 Meter Row
20 Strict Handstand Push-ups
500 Meter Row
20 Kipping Handstand Push-ups

“A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.”
 – Herm Albright


  1. 7a Zoom (different WOD)
    Anna C 4+2 (45#Plate/Singles)/3+10 (5# plates)
    Kevin M 5Rds (DUA)/4Rds (10#DB)
    Cherie C 3+2 (DUA/14")/ 3+27 (10#)

  2. 6am
    Danielle G 15:54 (box, push ups, 2ab)
    Meighan 19:45 (ab+pl, ab)
    Kate C 20:22 (2ab, walk through)
    Jamie Sp 17:50 (1ab)
    Mark Sp 18:45 (2ab)
    Mike Mel 19:13 rx
    Mak 16:26 (walk, 2ab)
    Rahmon 20:35 (10 strict hspu, 2ab)
    Kevin B 15:57 (1ab+pl)
    Subhan 21:06 (rom, 3ab)
    Susan A 19:10 sc

  3. EC= 250m/10 kipping hspu/ 250m/ 10 strict/ 250m/ 10 pass thrus

    Aimee 10:25 rx EC 5:15 rx
    Cate 11:39 rx EC 5:27 rx

    Ashley B 17:09 (3/2ab)
    Jeff B 10:05 rx EC 6:35
    Brian H 10:47 rx EC 7 ish
    Stephanie L 17:45 (pu, sb rom, neg hs)
    Jill H 16:01 (3ab, walk thru)
    Mary H 17:40 (walk, 3/2ab)

    Meredith 15:22 (2ab, walk through)
    Ben B 17:34 (2ab, 10 strict, kip, sb)
    Kevin H 14:52 rx
    Pam G 18:28 (1ab)
    Matt Tax 21:49 (1ab)
    Carl B 11:44 rx
    Rich A 14:27 rx
    Ana C 15:11 rx

    500m row
    20 shoot thrus
    500m row
    20 push ups
    500m row
    20 seated press

    Kathy =] (17" box, 10#)
    Anne B 13:40 (15#)
    Barb C 15:00 (15#, 1k bike)
    Terry J 14:41 (15#)
    Shawn W 15:00 (10 strict, 10 db press, 10 kip 2ab)
    Lee 15:53 (12#)

  4. Tyler 12:33 rx
    Cate 16:02 (1ab)
    Annette 15:52 (walk, sb/ 3ab)

    Sal 14:52 (wwup)
    Mike M 18:40 (3ab)
    Karen M 17:35 (2ab)
    Donna G 12:32 (15#db, 20", ski 20 cal, 2ab)
    Haley 12:10 (box 20", AB, 20 cal ski)
    Meg O 9:45 rx EC 5:01
    Laura S 16:32 (2/3 ab)
    Randy 18:41 (2ab)
    Remer 9:02 rx EC 6:00
    Marissa 17:55 (1ab strict)
    Laura A 16:02 sc
    Roberto 14:12 rx EC 7:31
    Yex 15:33 (2ab strict)
    CHris L 15:22 rx
    Raj left w/ no score =[

    Keith 17L37 (sb)
    Elina 18:00 (db 15#, kick up)
    Colin 19:05 (10 att kick up)
    Bridget 17:24 (1ab strict)
    Danielle C 18:32 (db 15# sp, wwup 10)
    Nick C 15:24 (10 att, 5 press 35#)
    Ryan P 16:10 rx

  5. Nova
    Tyler 12:33 rx
    Cate 16:02 (1ab)
    Annette 15:52 (walk, sb, 3ab)
