
W.O.D. 10.2.20


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Meeting ID:88548453602

zoom password 321go

Back Squat 

Cash out:
AMRAP in 7 Minutes:
5 Overhead Squats
5 Back Squats
5 Front Squats 

(use 40% of your 5 RM Back Squat)

“Strength does not come from winning. Your struggles develop your strengths. When you go through hardships and decide not to surrender, that is strength.” 
– Arnold Schwarzenegger


  1. 133# from floor (besides the community, I miss the squat rack the most)
    5rds @ 53# for cash out

  2. 12p Zoom
    Geoff 255 4+5 @75#
    Anne B 63# 5+1 @ 38#

    Susan A 125 4Rds Rx
    Kevin B 215 6+3 Rx
    Mike C 145 4+4 Rx
    Julia C 160PR! 4+8 Rx
    Laura S 95 5Rds Rx
    Keith (drop in) 65# 4Rds 15#bar
    Todd 165 4+2 Rx
    Kate C 155 3+12 Rx
    Mike M 255 3Rds Rx
    Mak 185 4Rds Rx
    Sam B 350 (Leader Board) 4Rds Rx
    Theresa 95 (tempo) 7rds @ 45
    Anna C 125 4+5 15#OH/45r# BS+FS

    Manisha 115 4+10 @ 55#

  3. 930
    Aimee 185/ 6+11 rx
    Kevin h 325/ 5+5 (no ohs)
    Mary h 135 Pr/ 4+10 rx
    Jen k 113/ 4 (45/15)
    Morgan 143/ 5+13 rx
    Ina 105/ 4+2
    Dana h 175/ 5+10 rx
    Ben b 225 bench Pr/ 5 (5 bench, 5 push up, 5 pull up)
    Jess a 185 sumo dl/ 3+7 (5 sdl, 10 sit up, 15 cal c2)

    Rich a 335/ 5 rx
    Dave h 275/ 5 rx
    Yex 190/ 5+ 10 (65)
    Victor 165/ 3 (thruster for ohs, 75)
    Jessie 145/ 5 (thruster for ohs, 55)
    Micah 305/ 4 rx

  4. 430
    Danielle g 185/ 6+8 rx
    Meg o 165/ 5+12 rack
    Mae 125/ 3+10 rack
    Meighan 145/ 6+12 rx
    Tunde 155/ 4+10 (33)
    Laura a 145/ 5 rx
    Karen mas 185/ 6 (65)
    Raj 245/ 3 rx
    Natalie d 190/ 6+2 rx
    Ana s 155/ 5 rx
    Joe s 295/ 5+5 (95)
    Manny 215/ 3 rx
    Mike mit 215/ 4+2 (85, thruster)
    Sal 205/ 3+10 (65, thruster)
    Roberto 215: 5+10 rx
    Olan 255/ 3+10 rx
    Greg a 185/ 5 rx
    Remer 275/ 5 rx

    Samson 245/ 5 rx
    GianFranco 245/ 5+1 rx
    Grace 145/ 5 rx
    Ryan p 275/ 5 rx
    Bhargav 155/ 5 rx
    Nishanth 105/ 3 rx
    Julie r 155/ 4+6 rx
    Danielle c 80 Pr/ 4 rx
    Alana 145/ 6 rx
