
W.O.D. 9.2.20

Join us on ZOOM! 

Meeting ID:88548453602

zoom password 321go

"Death by Thruster and Row"
Accumulate 1500 M (ladies) /2000 Meters (gentlemen)


EMOM including minute 1, complete an increasing amount of Thrusters (65/95#)(Death by Thruster)

(at the call of 3...2...1...go complete 1 Thruster, then row for the remaining amount of time)
(minute 1:00 complete 2 Thrusters, row for the remaining amount of time)
(minute 2:00 complete 3 Thrusters, row for the remaining amount of time).
...etc...until you complete the total row or can no longer finish the Thrusters within the minute.

Record total time to complete the Row or how many meters you completed. 

"Failure will never overtake me if my determination to succeed is strong enough." 
- Og Mandino


  1. 6a
    Marissa 10:58 Rx
    Julia 1000m(approx) 55#
    Subhan 967m 35#DB
    Danielle 1289m Rx
    Mak 9:57 (3000m C2 bike)
    Mike M 1299 Rx
    Mike C 802m 65#
    Mike S 750m 65#
    Sam B 1750m Rx
    Kevin B 1725 85#
    Kate C 941 Rx
    Jamie S 1326m Rx
    Mark S 1246 Rx
    Alana 940m 60#
    Karen M 1041 Rx
    Anna C 12:06 15#
    Manisha 677m 55#

  2. 9:30 AM
    Aimee 9:59 Rx
    Cate 1000 M Rx
    Dana H 1174 Rx

  3. Geoff 358 jump rope (75#)
    Ina 425 jump rope (30#)

  4. 12pm
    Jess A 10014 (65, pp)
    Ben B 841 (85)
    Matty Bo 1173 (75)
    Alex B 1027 rx
    Ana C 1330 rx
    Pam G 1491 rx
    Kevin H 1302 rx
    Randy M 1204 (75)
    Susan A 871 (55)
    Brian H 1623 RX
    Rich A 1674 rx

  5. Lea 9:56 rx
    Jenna 1288 rx

    Keith 1358 rx
    Bridget 8:00 rx
    Mae 1074 (35)
    Remer 1621 rx
    Raj 1085 rx
    Roberto 1166 rx
    Karen mas 892 rx
    Mike mit 1418 (65 rom)
    Olan 1283 (75)
    Manny 1024 (65)
    Josh mc 1311 rx
    Tunde 1125 (55)
    Sal 1110 (65)
    Donna g 1081 (55)

    Gia 1092 (55)
    Dana d 1380 rx
    Samson 1188 (75)
    Laura st 2046 (55pp, c2 bike)
    Ryan p 1631 rx
    Nishanth 795 (35)
    Sarah j 1149 (55)
    Bhargav 993 (65)
    Michelle h 700 (45)
    Meg o 1399 rx
    Greg a 1133 (65)
    Danielle c 1006 (35)
    Matt e 1338 (75)
