
September Athlete of the Month: Dana Hazard

Meet Dana Hazard Q&A

Hometown: Abington, PA

Current Location: Plymouth Meeting, PA

Age: 46 Occupation: Business Owner

College: Clemson

How long have you been a CrossFitter? 4 years

Did you ever play sports? Yes, I played soccer, softball, field hockey and swimming growing up. I dedicated myself to swimming in 8 th grade with hopes of making the Olympics.

Got some cool (or uncool) hobbies you'd like to share? Golf and Fantasy Football

What has been your biggest achievement at CrossFit in general? Being ranked 544 th in the CrossFit open for my age group in 2020 – the goal is to make the top 200 to qualify for the Masters Online Qualifier

What skill have you been working on during 2020? Chest to Bar, Ring Muscle Ups and Handstand walks

Goals for the rest of this year? I set several goals for each year. This year one goal was to get a kipping ring muscle up which I did in August!! My second goal is to string my bar muscle ups together.

What's your favorite WOD? DT is definitely my favorite but I do love WODs with Rowing How about your favorite food/snacks? Hot Wings and BBQ ribs

What is the craziest workout outside of CF you have ever done? When I was competing in swimming at a high level, we were challenged to a 26,000 meter race. It took me over 6 hours.

What’s your least favorite WOD? Anything with Jumping! Not in my wheelhouse

Favorite lift/movement? My favorite movement has to be snatches. I love DB snatches and Barbell snatches.

What’s your least favorite lift/movement? dubs and box jumps – you will see me miss a box jump and go flying

Whats your favorite piece of workout "gear"? I do have quite a lot of gear but my lifters are my favorite! On top of CrossFit, I love to compete in Olympic lifting. I love the feeling of being on the platform and being able to perform.

What you say is your biggest improvement since starting CF? My health is my biggest improvement. I broke my back in 2007 and was in a back brace for 8 months. I spent years in pain and on pain meds. It was around 8 months into CrossFit when I stopped having to take pain meds. CrossFit changed my life!!

Who is your favorite coach? I am so close to the coaches, they are all my favorites. The coaches are more like family to me. As far as coaching ability, they are the best coaches I have encountered. I have been to multiple gyms and have found one or two coaches per gyms that were really good but at KOP they are top tier.

PR's to mention? Goals Reached? Nutrition highlights? I would like to finish by saying how much I love being a member at KOP. It’s my 2 nd home. I am usually there for 1-3 hours most days of the week. The best part of Crossfit King of Prussia is the community!

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