
W.O.D. 9.14.20

(The Pullover)

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Meeting ID:88548453602

zoom password 321go

AMRAP in 22 Minutes:
50 Slam Balls (20/30#)
40/30 Calories Air Bike
30 Dumbbell Push Press (35/50#)
20 Dumbbell Burpees
10 Pullovers (sub Strict Pull-ups)

“Don’t wait for extraordinary opportunities. Seize common occasions and make them great. Weak men wait for opportunities; strong men make them.”
- Orison Swett Marden


  1. 2+46 (50 KBS @ 12kg,30 dubs, 30 pp @ 53#, 20 burpees, 10 bent rows @ 53#)

  2. 6a
    Susan A 270 C2/Band strict PU
    Subhan 278 C2/ROM Strict PU
    Julia C 25#DB/Strict Band PU
    Mike M 285 Rx
    Brian S 259 Pullover Att
    Kevin B 148 Rx
    Mike C 162 35#DB/Strict PU
    Danielle G 251 30DB/Band Strict PU
    Mike S 212 25SB/25DB/Strict PU
    Marissa A 193 25SB/Pullover Att
    Jamie S 271 Strict PU
    Mark S 257 40DB/Strict PU
    Theresa L 200 15SB/800m Run/55#PP/20DB/10 Att
    Anna C 336 40cal C2/35PP/Burpees/BO Rows (45)+v-Ups

    12p Zoom
    50 Single DB Ground to Overhead
    800m Run
    30 DB Push Press
    20 DB Burpee DL
    10 Strict PU

    Geoff 220 24DB

  3. 12pm
    Jenna 220 rx
    Lea 264 low bar att
    Carl b 201 rx
    Rich a 274 rx
    Mary h 253 (15# sb, 20# db, c2, low bar)
    Matty bo 213 (40, band strict)
    Brian h 271 pua
    Ashley h 287 (15#, band)
    Pam g 227 rx
    Micah 260 rx
    Ana c 238 rx
    Alana 240 (25#,band pu)
    Jill h 204 (15# sb, 25# db, strict band)

  4. Aimee 262 rx
    Cate 223 rx

    Keith 2q6 (35, strict)
    Megs 236 (25, 5 strict)
    Mike Mit 203 (35)
    Olan 209 (40, pua)
    Karen Mas 240 (30, band strict)
    Laura S 227 (20, burpee, band)
    Sal 190 (30, band, out of order..)
    Mae 217 (20#)
    Manny 172 (20#, pu)
    Dave H 249 (pu)
    Roberto 235 (pu)
    Meg O 275 (25#)
    Gianfranco 188 (35)
    Remer 196 rx
    Grace T 230 (20/15# db/sb, short bar)
    Alicia 260 (25#db, 15 sb, 5 att)

    Ben B 205 pu
    Bridget 192 rx
    Jess S 210 (20, pu)
    Colin 209 (25, pu)
    Randy 247 (40)
    Danielle C 190 (rr, 15)
    Bhargav 208 (25, jpu)
    Sarah J 250 (15, band)
    Ana S 203 (15, band)
