
W.O.D. 7.29.20

Join us on ZOOM! 
Meeting ID:88548453602

zoom password 321go

AMRAP in 10 Minutes:
5 Strict Handstand Push-ups
10 Med-ball Cleans (20/30#)

Rest 3:00 

AMRAP in 10 Minutes:
2 Ring Muscle Ups
12 Kettlebell Swings (53/70#)

“The moments of happiness we enjoy take us by surprise. It is not that we seize them, but that they seize us.” 
- Ashley Montagu


  1. Noon Zoom
    Ina 7+12 (ROMHSPU/12#) 7+4 (4x20BBrow, 4xBox dip, 25)
    Geoff 10+2 (SP75#/20#MBSquat) 6+2(2xft assit Dip/2x c2b/53)

  2. Aimee 12+13 rx/ 8 rx
    Cate 12+13 rx/ 7+3 rx
    Kevin B 7+1 (1ab)/ 5+1 (bar mu)
    Mary H 8+7 (14#, 3ab)/ 6+1 (c2b, 35)
    Jill H 8+11 (3ab)/ 7+1 (trans, 40#)
    Mak 7+8 (2ab)/ 8 (c2b, 35)
    Lea 4+2 (15#, ab, 5 att)/ 4 (band bar mu)
    Dana H 6+2 rx/ 5 (bar mu)

    Jess A 8+1 (15, inc pu)/ 8 (trans, dips, 35)
    Gordy 7+5 (2ab, 53, 20#)/ 6+1 (53, bar mu)
    Pam G 5+2 (1ab)/ 7+1 (bar mu)
    Meredith 7+12 (3ab)/ 9+2 (trans, 35, dips)
    Rich A 8 rx/ 5+1 rx
    Ana C 6+12 rxx/ 3+2 jmu

  3. 6am
    Brad 6+5 (20#MB,Seated DB Press)/5+5 35#/Trans
    Subhan 4+5 (2abm)/6Rds (RMU att+trans/53#)
    Sabrina 7Rds (14#MB/PushUps)/5Rds (35# KB Russ/Pullups+Dips)
    Laura S 6+6 (2ab)/9Rds (trans+dips, 44# Russ)
    Marissa A 6 (1abm)/5Rx
    Gabriela 7rds (Box HSPU/14#MB)/5Rds (26#/Pullups+dips)
    Anna C 7rds (PushUps/15# Bar)/8rds (2dips+2Bentover Rows/30lbs)
    Manisha 6+4 (3abm)/5Rds (44#/1RMU per rd)

  4. Jenna 8+3 rx/ 5+1 rx

    Mike Mit 7+5 (40#db press). 5+4 (44, bar mu)
    Joe M 6+12 (45#db), 7+12 (55, trans)
    Karen M (sc hspu)/ 5+7 (44#, trans)
    Olan 7+2 (3ab)/ 5+5 bar mu
    Remer 9+8 rx/ 5+2 rx
    Roberto 9+5 rx/ 7+12 rx

    Ryan P 7+1 rx/ 3 (mua, 5 total)
    Ben B 5+3 (50# press)/ 4+1 trans
    Laura St 7+5 (3ab, 16#)/ 4+2 (35, x2 trans)
    Gia 7+6 (2ab)/ 5+5 (trans, 44)
    Michelle 8+5 (3ab, 14#/ 6+4 (25#, dip)
    Taylor 6+7 (15#, 8#)/ 9+1 (par dip, 18#)
    Danielle 7+6 (10#, 12# press)/ 9 (18#, par dip)
    Nick 6 (sc hspu)/ =]
    Nick Cav 5+5 sc/ 4 sc
    Isabel 6+6 (10#, 15#db)/ 9 (18#, par dip)
    Bridget 7 rx/ 4+2 rx
    Marwan 5+5 (45#db, 20#wb)/ 6+4 (dips, 53)

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.
