
Athlete of the Month: Bridget Reiser

Hometown: Wilmington, DE

Current Location: Coatesville, PA (the nice countryside part :)

Age: 33

Occupation: Graphic Designer

College: York College of Pennsylvania (YCP!!)

How long have you been a CrossFitter? I will have been doing CrossFit for 2 years at the end of August

Did you ever play sports? I played/tried so many sports growing up and through college. I played field hockey, tennis, ran track and cross country, swimming, basketball, and I tried but didn't stick with golf and soccer. I really loved swimming the most, and I swam competitively since I was about 8 years old, through to college at York College. I also danced for about 15 years. Everything from tap and jazz, to lyrical and classical ballet. Most are surprised to find that I spent many years strutting across a stage in a tutu :)

Got some cool (or uncool) hobbies you'd like to share? When most people ask me this question, I usually say working out! But I love snowboarding. My brother in law lives out west so we usually go to Mount Hood every year for some amazing snowboarding.

What has been your biggest achievement at CrossFit in general? I would say my biggest achievement would be a ring muscle up. The feeling of getting that first one is awesome. I also think just coming back and wanting to learn more has been my biggest achievement. In CrossFit there is always something to continue to strive for, which keeps me coming back. I also wish I had started way sooner!

What skill(s) had you been working on all during 2019, and did (it)they become a success ? Ring muscle up, bar muscle ups and double unders! Dubs were definitely a labor of love. The only way to get better at those is to practice.

Active Goals for the 2020 year? I would love to work on my handstand walks and butterfly pull-ups. I really would love to be able to do butterfly pull-ups by the end of 2020. That is if we are allowed back in the gym soon!!

What's your favorite WOD? Anything that I would consider a sprint that is quick and dirty! I really liked this one we did recently. 2000 Meter Row *every 500 Meters complete 20 lateral burpees over the row (including after the 2K)

How about your favorite food/snacks? I usually don't discriminate when it comes to food. I love all kinds. But I think a food I could never live without is cheese. I will eat almost any kind of cheese out there. And I love sour gummies :)

What is the craziest workout outside of CF you have ever done? I have done multiple Spartan Races and a Tough Mudder. I completed a Sprint Triathlon last year, and would really love to do an Olympic Triathlon soon. Not as crazy as it sounds. It is a 0.93-mile (1.5K) swim, a 24.8-mile (40K) bike and a 6.2-mile (10K) run.

What’s your least favorite WOD? The Seven! I totally underestimated this workout the first time I did it, and I remember the second time I did it, Aimee had to come over and make sure I was ok :) Endurance workouts are definitely my weakness.

Favorite lift/movement? Snatch What’s your least favorite lift/movement? Cleans. Still working on getting tall before getting small.

Whats your favorite piece of workout "gear"? My lululemon pants. Can't get through a workout without those.

What you say is your biggest improvement since starting CF? Overall fitness. I always used to think I was fit until I started CrossFit, it was a huge eyeopener when I first started. I also gained more muscle than I thought was possible :)

Who is your favorite coach? That is a tough question for sure. Every coach has so many amazing qualities about them. If I had to pick, it would be Aimee. I feel like she has kind of brought me under her wing and taught me so much. She also pushes me so much harder than I think I can and her love and enthusiasm for what she does is contagious. It makes me want to come to the gym day after day. And we always match outfits spontaneously, so that's cool :) I love all my nooner coaches! I love Jenna's enthusiasm and knowledge. She is such a great teacher and coach. I got my first ring muscle up after she gave me a few more pointers. And Steph is always helping me with my Olympic lifts and techniques. One day I will get them! And Gordy has such a relaxed and knowledgeable presence about him. He just always has a smile on his face, and an amazing attitude. He really has some great cues to help with certain movements. I PRed my snatch in his class recently, and I got so much better at bar muscle ups with his coaching cues.

PR's to mention? Goals Reached? Nutrition highlights?.. I just think overall since I started Crossfit, I am in so much better shape. I honestly thought I was in shape before I started, and it humbly brought me back down. It has really changed how my body looks/feels for the better, and it has also taught me to eat better. There is nothing worse than doing a workout after you have eaten like crap the past couple of days. I can't wait to see where my journey with Crossfit takes me, and I will continue to show up!

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