
W.O.D. 5.24.20

Workout of the Day - Day 73 Quarantine
Warm up:
1 round 
-10  good morning
- 10 each scap warm up
- 20 total plank pull through
- 20 total Superman
- 5 wall walk up
For time:
Push Jerk

Cash out:
Spend 5 Minutes Practicing Hand Stand Walks
Use the following Progression
Hand Stand Kick up
While Inverted shift weight left and right on to finger tips
Inverted Shoulder taps
Kick up, Walk into the wall
Continue to move further back as you progress

Let us know how far you can go! Take a video or picture and tag us on Instagram @crossfitkop

“Life is a storm that will test you unceasingly. Don’t wait for calm waters that may not arrive. Derive purpose from resilience. Learn to sail the raging sea.” 
- Author Unknown

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