
W.O.D. 3.6.20

Good Luck to Coach Jenna, lifting in the American Open Series 1 in Columbus, OH.
Jenna will be lifting on the WHITE PLATFORM at 5:15 PM.
Tune into teamusa.org

For time:
1-->10 -->1 reps of:
Squat Cleans (55/75#)
Bar facing burpees

Coaches Notes:
Athletes complete 1 Squat Clean, 1 Bar Facing Burpee, 2/2/, 3/3, 4/4....until 10/10...then down from 9/9, 8/8....etc to 1/1.

“Greatness is not found in possessions, power, position, or prestige. It is discovered in goodness, humility, service, & character.” 
– WA Ward



  1. 7am
    Anna 26:26,#45,burpees,1-9,9-1
    JP 19:54RX
    Ben 33:41RX
    Geoff 25:41,1-9,9-1,burpees w/ DB
    Alex 34:50RX

  2. 9:30 AM
    Aimee 18:05 RX
    Pete D 20:10 RX
    Emily G 23:20 RX
    Jackie 27:06 45#
    Joe C 28:58 RX
    Mary H 27:35 35#
    Frank 20:14 RX
    Jill H 23:40 45#

  3. 12:15
    Jess A 22:11 35# Power clean +some plank
    Rich A 21:32 Rx
    Pam G 18:37 Rx
    Ry an S 24:13 Rx
    Andrew T. 26:19 Rx
    Jerry T 24:32 75# ROM squat
    Kevin H 22:14 Rx
    Tim H 20:19 65# reg burpees 1->9-> 6

  4. 5:15/6a
    Dana D 20:03 Rx
    Jamie S 16:04 Rx
    Brian S 22:02 Rx
    Laura S 25:39 45#
    Yex 21:30 Rx
    Mark S 26:52 Hang
    Holly F 33:37 45#
    THeresa L 28:28 Rx
    Ben M 24:24 65#
    Katy P 19:47 (Up and back to 8 Rounds), Medball clean
    Mike S 34:35 58#
    Kevin B 25:42 Rx

    Joey D 26:24 Rx
    Danielle G 20:09 Rx
    Mike P 26:26 Rx
    Colin R 22:26 Rx
    Webb 23:54 65#

  5. 3:30
    Mike m 31:32 65
    Roberto 18:18 to round of 10
    Mak 24:38 step
    John m 31:41rx

    Alex t 15:45 to round 10/65fs
    Olan 29:02
    Andrew m 16:26rx
    Erin m 20:08 rx
    Jeff p 18:46 rx
    Randy 22:32rx
    Laura a 27:29rx
    Chris l 24:42 rx
    Sam f 20:39 55fs
    Micah 21:22rx
    Matt e 29:50rx
    Sarah h 20:?? 35
    Tori 23:55 45/step

  6. Suzanne: 22:!3 35#
    Zohib: 28:05 65
    Chak: 27:15 75
    Bhargav: 26:25 55
    Ryan: 22:43 Rx
    Jen: 14:45 Power
    Col: 21:25 Rx

    Nat: 15:50 35 pc
    Refer: 20:59 Rx
    Nag: 22:00 1-10,9,8 15#
    Sahithi: 27:58 15#
    Arun: 22:00 1-10, 9, 15#
    Nick:24:14 1-10 55
