
W.O.D. 3.2.20

3 Rounds for time of:
1000 Meter Row
30 Pull-ups
30 Push-ups

Community Notes: 
Join us on Wednesday at 11am for a seminar on "What Athletes Need to Know About the Pelvic Floor" This FREE information session will be run by with Gabrielle Abate PT, DPT of Village Physical Therapy and Wellness.

“Far and away the best prize that life has to offer is the chance to work hard at work worth doing.” 
- Theodore Roosevelt


  1. 930
    Jackie 24:22 (15 push/ 15 band)
    Katri 25:47 (15 strict band, 20 push)
    Mary H 29:06 (20 inc/ 20 pull)
    Shawn 28:59 rx
    Natalia 25:00 (rr/ box pu)
    Jilla 24:30 rx
    Emily G 30:02 (sn)
    Alex B 32:49 (10 strict/ 20 box)
    Dianne 28:15 (4 rds- 1/2 reps, rr, sn)
    Ina 25:? (20 rr/ box pu)
    Ben 31:21 (30-25-20 pu)
    Frank 22:09 rx
    Jill H 26:05 (15pu, 25 box push)

  2. 12:15pm
    Matt t 24:20 rx
    Meredith 25:27 inc/rr
    Bridget 28:35rc
    kevin H 22:55rx
    sam B 24:14 rx
    Pete D 21:52Rx
    micah 27:24rx
    samson 22:32rx
    Oaln 27:05 rx
    rich a 21:47rx
    Jess a 27:15 bndpush/rr

    Manisha 25:48 20pull/15push
    Cathy B 24:42 20RR/BR, 20bnd push, last round 600m/10/15
    Barb b 24:24 20BarRow/20Bnd Push
    Terry J 26:05 2KEbike/20bndrow/20bndpush

  3. Ryan 27:35rx
    Lea 26:18 RR
    Geoff 26:37, 20 pull ups,15 pu
    Jess 24:58 15 pull ups,15 pu
    Mike P 26:50 rx

  4. 5:15/6a
    Kevin B 27:32 Rx
    Mike C 26:11 Snake
    Manny 29:10 20/20
    Brian S 22:51 Rx
    Susan A 26:22 20/20/10 reps Pullups and Pushups
    Mike S 30:32 15 Pullups+RR/inc. pushups
    Ellie H 29:33 20RR/20 Pu
    Yex 25:50 20pullups/20pushups
    Laura S 28:57 (15pullups+att/inc. push ups)
    Colin R 23:49 Rx
    Ben M 30:52 Rx

    Joey D 31:46 Snake
    Matt (Drop-in) 25:50 Rx

  5. 3:30
    Roberto-24:40 Rx
    Jerry-25:56 Rx
    John Mc-27:11 (RR/ box push up)
    Member of the Month Mike-27:10 ROM
    Braden - 23:11Rx

    Joe M. - 24:54 (C2Bike 2000m, RR+PU)
    Tunde - 20:09 (15Pu/20Push ups)
    Chris - 22:52 Rx
    Alex Tu - 25:44 (20Pull/20Push)
    Karen m - 26:23 (ROM 20pull/20push)
    Remer - 22:11Rx
    Twinnie - 31:45 (some snake)
    Cory - 24:36 Rx
    Matty Bo - 25:38 (20/20 push pull)
    Tori - 27:51 (20/20 banded Pus)
    Marissa - 29:50 Rx
    Josh Mc - 21:15Rx
    Ryan - 25:44 (Snake/RR)

    Jeff - 20:49 Rx
    Randy - 26:06 Rx
    Jen C - 27:07 Knee Pushups
    Andrew M - 18:08 Rx
    Colleen - :(
    Erin M - 26:34 Rx
    Sam F - 24:39 Rx
    Ryan - 26:36 Rx
    Renee - 27:07 10 Pull ups green band
    Jamie S - 27:03 Rx
    Mark - 23:48 15Pull ups
    Raj 27:03 15Pull Ups
    Joe S - 26:35 Rx
    Keith - 27:49Rx

  6. 7:30
    May - 30:37 (banded Pull/ Banded Push)
    Shay - 29:36 (snake)
    Mark - 26:40 (20Pullups)
    Zohib - 30:31 (snake)
    Isabel - 30:16 (Snake/RR)

  7. 6:30

    Stephanie C 25:25 20+20
    Sarah J 25:52 15+20
    Fayth 25:35 20s Band
    Josh S 24:32 Rx
    Austin 27:39 15/15/10pull 25spush
    Cass 26:13 15s band
    Ghargav 29:24 Rx
    Chak 29:15 Rx
