
W.O.D. 3.19.20

Around 2008, Dave Castro was a SEAL Qualification Training instructor down in Coronado when he met Wilkinson, who was already a SEAL and going through the course again after re-enlisting. “We kinda treated him differently because he was already one of us,” Castro said. The two developed a rapport and stayed in touch over the years especially as Wilkinson’s wife Sara became a L4 coach and flowmaster, who owned CrossFit Odyssey in Virginia Beach, where Chad was stationed. When Sara spoke at her husband’s funeral, she recounted a recent story when she walked into the garage to find Wilkinson doing step-ups wearing a backpack. He was training to climb Aconcagua, the tallest mountain in South America, by doing 1000 step-ups at a time. “You need to make that a Hero workout,” one of the CrossFit L1 seminar staff attendees whispered to Dave. 

At Home WOD- Day 7:
for time:
1000 step ups (45# to a 20" box)

(fill up a back pack and/or just find somewhere to step up to--repeat 1000 times)
(record time and weight used)

"Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment." 
- Buddha

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