
W.O.D. 2.28.20

For time:
Four rounds for time of:
Run 400 Meters
50 Double Unders
15 Shoulder to Overhead 75/115#
10 Chest to Bar Pull-ups

Community Note:
Our 5:30 and 6:30pm classes tonight will be held in the ANNEX.
We will be in the main gym setting up for the CrossFit Masters Competition - The No Millennial Mash- Up.
If you are available, please join us and help set up for the event tonight!

“No matter where you are on your journey, that’s exactly where you need to be. The next road is always ahead.” 
—Oprah Winfrey


  1. Lea 23:55,1000m C2
    Anna 22:50,1000m C2,RR,#55
    Jess M 23:37,#65,PU
    Larissa 22:40, 100 singles,RR,#45

  2. 930
    Mikey 20:57 (rom pu)
    Emily G 21:33 (25 du, 65#, pu)
    Fran 20:29 rx
    Katri 21:23 (3 strict band pu, 55#)
    Jackie 23:40 (2/ 400m, 2/200m, 30 du, 55#, band strict)
    Mary H 24:03 (2/ 400m, 2/200m, 30 du, 65#, 3 c2b)
    Jill H 22:26 (50 su, 65#, pu)

  3. 1215
    Kevin H 19:14 (95)
    Tim H 19:00 (1k bike, 10 du, rr, 75)
    Steph V 21:48 sc
    Bridget 21:57 rx
    Pete D 22:15 (75, dua, rr)
    Dana D 17:03 (pull ups, 55)
    Jess A 22:06 (bike, su, 55, 5 band)
    Rich A 21:30 rx
    Joe C 22:21 (45, pu)
    Matt T 20:43 (1 min du, 75)
    Olan 23:12 (95, 1min du)
    Remer 16:37 rx

  4. 3:30pm
    Mike m 26:05 sc
    Beenash 28:36 25dua/43/pull
    Jill a 20:31 row

  5. 4:30pm
    renee 23:55 45/25du/bndpull
    samson 20:06 95
    Andrew m 14:25 rx
    alex t 20:48 2rnds A.bike/75
    Josh M 21:30rx
    Jen C 17:13 Abike/65/pull
    Erin M 21:35 DUA
    Alex b 23:41 65/pull/su
    ben b 26:20 95/25du/pull
    alicia 24:48 abike/65/pull
    keith 24:06 abike/pull&RR
    Nag 23:00 3rnd/kipswing/53/su
    natalie 20:40 pull
    Sahititi 27:50 RR/35/su
    Laura a 19:06 65/pull
    Ryan p 22:50rx
    Matt e 25:40rx


  6. 5:15/6a
    Mark S 22:04 95/1000m C2
    Jeremy D 20:42 65cals/95
    Donna 21:10 1000mC2/25dubs/60#/RR
    Theresa L 11:01 2rds/C2
    Jamie S 17:22 Rx
    Kevin B 22:33 95#
    Mike C 24:33 75/pull-ups
    Laura s 21:00 30sec DUA/55/band Pu
    Ben M 25:39 95/25DU
    King 22:47 95#
    Holly F 23:07 25DUA/55/RR
    Ellie H 25:57 53/RR

    Meg O 22:24 55#/100m C2
    Justin C 19:48 40#DB/5 strict C2B
    Joey D 22:16 95#
    Danielle G 21:22 pull-ups
    Sam B 18:13 sc
    Mike S 22:31 25DU/75#/rr
    COlin R 17:03 95
    Mike P 18:28 95/15dua
