
W.O.D. 2.18.20

15 Rounds for time of:
10 Back Squats (95/135#)
1 Rope Climb (15ft)

*barbells will be taken from the floor

"I am who I am today because of the choices I made yesterday.” 
-Eleanor Roosevelt


  1. Aimee 19:23rx
    Jenna 29:15 rx
    Tola 18:16 85/10ft/10rnds
    Mary h 21:59 55/10rnds
    Jackie 22:40 85/5cal erg bk
    Jill h 22:10 65:12rnds
    Manisha 23;10 65
    Jill a 18:26 rx
    Sam Mc 21:43 95

  2. 5:15/6a
    Brian S 24:05 95/3 pulls (1/2)
    Holly F 22:25 10rds 75#
    Mike S 28:07 85#
    King 21:57 @95
    Kevin B 19:49@115
    Yex 24:01 85#
    Jamie S 18:13 Rx
    Mark S 20:21 @115
    Dana D 21:55 Rx
    Laura S 23:03 box squats@65#/3 pulls
    Mike C 22:47 75#
    Colin R 26:29 @115
    Jeremy =)
    Ellie 23:07 75#

    Meg O 22:26 Rx
    Raymond 26:51 105#

    12:15 express
    Steph V 17:36 12rds/75#/box/6RR
    Meredith 23:52 55/loft
    Matt Tax 27:58 10rds Rx
    Matt To 19:34 95#
    Kevin H 21:47 Rx
    Samson 25:16 115
    Pete D 22:44 Rx
    Tim H 16:28 95/10rds
    Pam G 20:45 Rx
    Emily G 24:30 75#
    Bridget 22:02 Rx
    McHugh 28:45 135(8rds)/115(2rds)/105(5rds)/10tt
    Frank 24:58 Rx

  3. Masters (10 rds)
    Dan 15:15 (53, 12’)
    Mom 11:58 (35, pulls)
    Terry 15:40 (45, 12’)
    Ina 18:24 (53, 10’)
    Cathy 16:21 (35, 10’)
    Anne b 16:06 (45, 12’)
    Dianne 16:30 (53, pulls)

  4. Villanova
    Tyler 18:46 (95)
    Cate 22:45 (75)
    Kira 17:52 rx
    Hannah 23:21 (55, rca)
    Julia 23:05 (55, rca)

  5. 430
    Sean 23:05 (5 squats last 5rds)
    Jess a 20:30 (55, 2 pulls, 10 rds)
    Andrew m 13:45 (10 cal ski)
    Marissa 19:38 rx
    Micah 24:10 rx
    Subhan 21:58 (95)
    Rich a 21:36 rx
    Mike d 21:16 (75, pulls)
    Karen m 22:33 (85)
    Mike M 24:40 (95)
    Matty bo 30:39 (95)
    Roberto 19:09 (95)
    Jerry 19:42 (95)
    Jess m 21:45 (65)
    Mak 24:20 rx
    Olan 27:17 (95)

  6. Correction: Raymond = Rahmon 26:51 @ 105#

  7. 5:30
    Shawna 24:29 75/10rds
    Nick C. 22:54 45/8rds
    Braden 17:48 115/(2rds short ropes)
    Joe S. 19:04 rx short ropes
    Randy 19:06 95
    Sam B. 18:04 rope pulls
    Jeff P. 16:26 rx
    Erin M. 20:24 2rds 95/75
    Colleen 18:17 75
    JP 22:46 rx

    Natalia 24:05 53/RP
    Kim 25:46 55DL/RP
    Missy 27:20 60/10'
    Alex 24:46 80/10'
    Erika 26:33 55/12 rds
    Bhargav 29:35 75/ATT
    Chak 27:37 95/ATT
    Arun 17:29 35/RP/10 rds
    Sahi 21:51 35/RP
    Nah 22:30 35/RP
    Steph C. 26:09 65
    Eric S. :)

  8. Geoff 23:50 95
    Ben B: :)
    Anna: 22:@5 63 2 rope pull
