
W.O.D. 2.12.20

Overhead Squat

Cash out:
AMRAP in 7 minutes:
1 Power Snatch
3 Overhead Squats
5/7 Calories Air Bike

(use 60% of your 1 RM overhead squat for the Power Snatch and Overhead Squat in the cashout)

"Guard well within yourself that treasure, kindness. Know how to give without hesitation, how to lose without regret, how to acquire without meanness." 
- George Sand


  1. 515
    Manisha 85/ 5+4 rx
    Jeremy 205 fs/ 6+4 (pwr clean/ fs)
    Mark sp 175/ 7+2 rx
    Jamie sp 100/ 9 rx
    Ben m 175/ 7 rx
    Kevin b 185/ 7 rx

    Colin 165/ 7+4 rx
    Barb b 55 Pr to 17” box/ 6+4 rom

    Lea 132 Pr/ 7+1 rx
    Ben b 135 Pr/ 5+3 rx
    Anna 45 pr/ 7 rx
    Joey d 215/ 5+4 rx
    Ryan c 135/ 5+7 rx
    Mike p 215/ 6 rx

  2. 9:30 AM

    Kira K. 133,7+4 Rx
    Mark M. 170, 7+1 Rx
    Donna G. 100, 6+4 Rx
    Jackie H. 205 bksqt, 6+1, 30# db,C2B bike

  3. 12:15 EXP

    Bridget R. 150,7+4 Rx
    Pam G. 115,7+3 Rx
    Geoff Y. 135,6+2 Rx
    Matt T. 140, 8 Rx
    Josh McV. 215,7+6 Rx
    Meredith H. 95,6+7 Rx
    Emily G. 105 PR!,6 Rx
    Dave H. 185,7 Rx
    Ina S. 125 bksqt,6+7 cl+fs
    Alicia M. 125,8 Rx
    Marco 185,7 Rx
    Pete D. 185,7+4 Rx

  4. Renee 65x2form 7 35
    Alex t 65x4 6+1 45
    King 165 6+6 95
    Sarah 65x2 form 6+4 35
    Olan 175 5rx
    Raj 165 6rx
    Subhan 145 7rx
    Danielle c 35x3form 5 25
    Mike m 175fs 5fs

    Randy 168pr
    Joe s 195 7+10rx
    Braden 195 pr 7+3rx
    Matt b 185pr 6+3rx
    Sam b 220pr 8+1rx

  5. Chak: 135 pr 5+4
    Bhargav: 110 pr 5+9
    AB: hundoooooooo pr! 6

    Pr sweep for 6:30!

  6. Victor: 115 pr! 6+1
    Mark C: 135 6
    Sj: 90 6
