
W.O.D. 1.27.20

For time:
10 Ring Muscle Ups
50 Double Unders
8 Ring Muscle Ups
40 Double Unders
6 Ring Muscle Ups
30 Double Unders
4 Ring Muscle Ups
20 Double Unders
2 Ring Muscle Ups
10 Double Unders

Community Notes:
Bring a friend for FREE tomorrow to all classes!
If they join, you will receive`1/2 off your monthly membership and they will too!

"Stop for a moment to appreciate the beauty of nature. Take time to simply breathe. And most of all, remember that there are no mistakes in life..." 
- Bob Ross


  1. 930
    Aimee 10:02 rx
    Cate 11:31 rx
    Subhan 6:12 (2-2-2-1-1)
    Mary h 11:25 (pu band, par dip)
    Jackie 11:26 (35-30-25-20-15, pu band, par dip)
    Dianne 13:17 (trans, 1/2 c2 bike)
    Jill h 7:58 (par dip, band pu, su)
    Shawn 12:20 (jmu, 35-35-30-20-10)
    Ben b 9:50 (25-20-15-10-5, trans)
    Mark 12:09 jmu
    Emily 10:40 (40-30-20-10-5, trans/ neg)
    Gigi 9:56 (su x2, trans)
    Cait 12:04 (trans)

  2. Ryan 10:05,Band PU/box dips,DUA 1/2
    Larissa Strict PU/box dips,DUA 1/2
    Renee 11:14 Band PU/Box dips,DUA 1/2
    Jess 9:55 Band PU/Box dips

  3. 330
    Mak 10:55
    Mike Mel 11:15 rx
    Moogan 15:20 (pu+dip band, 35->)
    Miek R 7:20 rx
    Mike Mit 11:15 (trans, 35->)
    Dave H 10:55 (1 mu/ rd)

    Karen M 15:54 (35->, trans, 3 swings)
    Marissa 10:24 (2mu/ rd)
    Ryan S 12:32 (mua 5/4/3/2/1)
    Joe S 14:35 rx
    Sam M 8:12 (5/4/3/2/1)
    Roberto 14:17 rx
    Alex Tu 9:27 (5/4/3/2/1)
    Tunde 10:31 (40 du+su, trans)

    Natalia 11:01 (dua 20-> ,rr/dips)
    Keith 15:39 (4/4/3/2/1 mu)
    Jeff 8:47 rx
    Katie 12:59 (trans, first 4 du)
    Braden 10:27 rx
    Randy 11:19 rx
    Erin M 10:21 (jmu, 10-> bike cal, jmu)
    Lea 8:41 (jump trans 5/4/3/2/1)
    Colleen 7:54 (jmu no dip)
    Sam F 10:28 (5/3/2/1/1 mu)
    Jen C 10:52 (mua, 3mu)
    Matty Bo 10:57 (jmu, 1/2 dip)
    Kevin H 8:48 rx
    Andrew M 5:14 rx

  4. Albert 10:14 (MU att/trans), FIRST 2 MU!!
    Mark Chua 9:50 (JMU)
    Cass 7:47 (band dip + pu, 1/2 du)
    Mike Roth 9:16 (1/2 att)
    Missy 7:30 (band dip + pu, su)
    Alex B 6:08 (band dip + pu, su)

  5. 5:15/a
    Jeremy D 13:55 Single Arm DB C&J
    Jamie S 6:36 Single Arm DB C&J
    Colin R 12:49 1/2 RMU
    Brian S 11:15 JMU, 1/2 DUA
    Mike C 11:00 1/2 RMUA
    Kevin B 10:18 JMU
    Theresa L 7:58 Box transitions
    Ben M 10:53 box transitions
    Yex 9:09 trans, 1/2 DU
    Laura S 12:01 Box trans, 1/2 DU
    Ellie H 8:36 box trans
    Mike s 12:15 Box trans

    Josh 11:11 Rx
    Joe D 11:26 8-6-4-2-1 RMU

    12:15 Express
    Bridget 11:41 1/2 RMU
    Rich A 11:19 Rx
    Joe C 12:12 1/2 RMU
    Pete D 16:36 Rx
    Pam 10:41 Ring PullUps+ Para. dips
    Micah 14:57 Band transitions
    Justin 9:52 Strict Pullups + band Dips
    Beenash 12:08 transitions/10 DUA per round
    Frank 16:14 Rx
    Marco 16:30 Rx

    10-8-6-4-2 Ring Rows + scaled Dips
    25-20-15-10-5 Double Unders/ Double Under Attempts

    Anne M 9:44 DU and DUA
    Ina 7:31
    Kathy 8:14 10 DUA/round
