
W.O.D. 12.29.19

EMOM for as Long as Possible: 
3 Power Cleans (125/185 lb) 
3 Front Squats (125/185 lb) 
3 Jerks (125/185 lb) 

Each minute on the minute (EMOM), starting at the top of the minute, complete one round. Rest the remainder of the minute. Score is total number of rounds completed before becoming unable to complete a round before the start of the next minute. Scale load to level and ability.

"A lot of times people look at the negative side of what they feel they can't do. I always look on the positive side of what I can do." 
- Chuck Norris

1 comment:

  1. DD 21 @ 90
    Jess ST 9 @ 65
    Braden 6 @ 155
    Webb 5 @ 95
    Sam B 12 @ 155
    Chris L 8 @ 115
    Jill A 15 @ 95

    Aimee 1 @ 115, 1 @ 125, 2 @ 115, 7 @ 105
    Tola 20 @ 55
    Julia C 6 @ 85
    Evie 9 @ 105
    Jessie 10 @ 75
    Meg O 6 @ 115
    Danielle G 10 @ 105
    Keith 7 @ 155
