
W.O.D. 12.27.19

For time:
60 Chest to Bar Pull-ups
60 Thrusters 65/95#

*Athletes may break up the work as needed to complete the indicated reps.

Community Note:
Bring your friends to our 9 and 10am class tomorrow for FREE ! If they sign- up for fundamentals and join, YOU AND YOUR FRIEND get one month half off. Keep your eyes on the schedule for more free friend days coming up.

“Be thankful for what you have; you'll end up having more. If you concentrate on what you don't have, you will never, ever have enough” 
 ― Oprah Winfrey



  1. 5:15 AM
    Mike C 13:23 75#
    Manisha 15:23 55#

    6:00 AM
    Aimee L 8:43 RX
    Danielle G 11:16 PU
    Jeremy 10:00 75# PU
    Cat 11:15 PU
    Dana D 9:53 RX

    7:00 AM
    Anna 9:09 35# RR

    9:30 AM
    Jess M 9:36 55# Seated CtB
    Ben M 12:32 PU
    Jackie H 12:57 PU + Seated CtB
    Alex B 15:09 PU
    Missy 12:20 45# Seated CtB
    Emily G 10:59 65# Seated CtB
    Andrew M 6:57 RX
    Theresa L 10:58 RX
    Jess A 12:04 45# Push Press

  2. 12:15
    Joe C 14:55 75#
    Bridget 15:ISH RX-ish ROM CTB
    Pam 8:36 1/2PU 1/2 Seated CTB
    Rich A 8:38 RX
    Pete D 10:10 Rx
    Jonathan B 12:59 RX
    Mike P 11:59 ROM CTB
    Subhan 15:40 45 CTB 15 PU
    Jerry 11:20 PU
    John MC 12:18 RR
    Jamie S 9:02 RX

  3. 330
    Donna 10:03 sc2b 45
    Tola 9:45 sc2b 45
    Alex th 13:22rx

    Samson 10:44rx
    Marissa 11:54rx
    Sam b 8:34 pull-ups
    Colleen 9:22 pull ups
    Remer 10:44 Rx
    Tunde 15:11 1/2 pull up half sc2b
    Karen m 10:43 sc2b

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Benash: 13:25 bps 35
    Jeff: 8:41 rx
    Chris S: 10:33 1/2 c2b 1/2 pu
    Braden: 9:44 RX
