
W.O.D. 12.26.19

Eighteen-year-old CrossFit Games athlete Jacob Morris passed away on December 13, just weeks after having heart surgery. In late 2017, Morris and his family discovered he had a bicuspid aortic valve and an enlarged heart. After having a stress test done and an MRI, Morris’s family and doctors determined he would be able to safely continue training. 

 Morris did keep training, taking second in the Boys 16 – 17 division in the Open and placed 7th in Madison at the CrossFit Games. 

Event One Morris
"Memorial WOD for Jacob Morris"

For Time:
50 Wall Ball Shots (14/20 lb to 9/10 ft) 
40/30 Calorie Ski (or Row)
30 Dumbbell Snatches (35/50 lb) 
20 Box Jump Overs (20/24 in) 
15 Bar Muscle-Ups

Community Notes:
Bring a friend or relative and join us for our FREE Friends and Family Day on Saturday 12/28 at 9 AM or 10 AM.

“Happiness is the art of never holding in your mind the memory of any unpleasant thing that has passed.” - Unknown


  1. 6am
    Mike Mel 11:46 Rx (ski) ...***50wb unbroken
    Mike S 15:08 (14# wb, 35# dB, row, 17#box/25playe

    Theresa 11:16 (strict banded pull-ups, row) ***50 wb unbroken
    Laura Smith 12:04 (12#wb, row, 20#db, 45#plate
    Webb E 11:36 (14#ski, 35#db, 17”box)
    Anna 11:00 scaled row

  2. 12:15pm
    josh m 10:35 rx unbroken WB!
    Sam B 8:40 pull ups unbroken WB!
    Ryan W 11:00 strict c2b
    subhan 13:06rx
    Jamie 9:39 c2bx2/unbroken WB
    *Andrew 9:18rx
    Jess st 10:58 25/pullups (50unbroken)
    Chris L 10:50 c2b
    *Richa A 12:36 rx+ (30lb WB)
    Jess A 12:41 10#/ half ski Half row/RR/20#
    Dana D 12:01 rx
    Pete D 13:42 RMU

    * = SKI; all others ROW

  3. Masters

    2 rounds for time of
    25 WB
    20 Cal Ski/20 Cal Row
    15 DB Snatch
    10 BJO
    8 Pull ups

    cathy 12:51 wbsq10#/12#db/9"/RR
    John b 10:087 14#/25#/13"/bnd
    terry 12:12 10#/13"/20#db
    Eileen 11:09 4#/8#db/8"/Bnd
    Jack 10:00 14"wb/30#db/20"
    Barb B 12:50 14#/20#/10"/bnd

  4. 9:30
    * Aimee 10:25rx
    Jason 9:50 35/gobsq/single arm/ rr
    Larissa 12:12 40wb/ dbsp 20/ step/rr
    Jackie 12:00 30 C2B
    Sydney 12:27 25/pull-ups
    Jill h 10:51 30/pull
    Emily 11:00 30/pull up
    Missy 12:56 25 bnd pull/ 17”
    Kevin b 9:58 C2B unbroken wb
    *danielle 9:23 single arm Db s2o 30/pull up
    Julia c 9:43 25/bnd pull
    *= ski all others rowed

  5. 4:30 BAC
    Natalie 9:54 hips to bar
    Tunde 13:55 10/25/kpu/so
    Marissa 12:22 rx
    Sam f 12:09 c2b
    Samson 12:57rx
    *raj 13:21 pull up
    *joe s 9:37rx
    Danielle C :) 10/12/17’/rr
    Remer 10:19rx
    Keith 13:06 unbroken wb/sn!
    Micah 10:30 10bmu
    Donna 10:50 30/step/rr

  6. 4:30 BAC cont.
    Alex b 11:34 13/pull up
    Alicia 11:05 10/25/pull-up
    *karen m 11:06 25/rr
    Mike ro 10:56 c2b
    Mike m 11:52 35/14/c2b
    *johnathan 12:30 rx
    Justin/Nate 11:44 8/10/20-24
    Alex th10:32 c2b
    Steph m 16:45 rx

  7. Jen: 11:45 10 band bmu unbroken wb
    Jeff P: 9:39 rx unbroken ski
    Cory W: 11:40 rx ski
    Josh S: 12:28 RX
    Chris S: 11:32 rx

    Meg: :)
    Katie R: 12:31 10# 15# 17"
    Col: 12:40 BBmu
    Laura S: 12:40 17" toe pull up 15#
    Gia: 13:00 Pu
    Braden: 11:12 RX
