
W.O.D. 11.8.19

For time, partitioned any way:
40 ring muscle-ups
80-cal. row
120 wall-ball shots
20-lb. ball to 10 ft. (men)
14-lb ball to 9 ft. (ladies)

 Time cap: 20 min.

CLICK HERE for the standards, scaling options and score cards. 

Community Notes
"Merica" Theme! Wear your red, white, and blue to celebrate America on the last open!
Join us after at Guppy's in Conshy.

All classes this weekend will be held in the Annex. Please meet and park there.

"You will never reach your destination if you stop and throw stones at every dog that barks." 
- Winston Churchill


  1. Mike P 211(12:27)RX
    Alex B 200 (15:58)RX

  2. 5:15/6a
    Kevin B 201 (11:47) Rx Congrats on your first MU
    Colin R 218 (13:53) Rx
    Susan A 200 (17:10) Rx
    Holly F 200 (15:48) Rx
    Yex 200 (15:27) Rx
    Jeremy D 209 (12:22) Rx
    Mike S 160 Rx
    Ellie H 200 (15:12) Rx
    Mike M 216 (11:14) Rx
    Theresa L 200 (13:03) Rx
    Anna 194 Rx
    Justin C 205 (11:15) Rx
    Danielle G 200 (11:15) Rx
    Sam B 200 (11:30) Rx
    Ben M 200 (12:22) Rx
    Manisha 200 (19:40) Rx

    (Not in Open)
    Anson 200 (15:18) 12#

  3. Rx
    mike p 211 12:27
    Alex 200 15:58
    Cate 219 18:10
    Ben b 200 13:41
    Jackie 200 13:41
    mary h 200 19:08
    emily 200 16:44
    missy 170
    mak 200 15:06
    shawn w 200 12:31
    jill h 200 16:06
    Brendan Moog 203 17:14
    subhan 203 15:38
    aimee 237 18:39
    Tyler 212 15:06
    Rich A 230 18:37
    Joe c 216 18:05
    matt t 200 14:05
    evie 200 11:50
    edwin 200 15:00
    dana h 202 16:16
    tim h 200 13:20
    lea 200 10:30
    bridget 202 15:45
    Pete d 224 16:59
    jenna 207 13:41
    carl 232 14:53
    kev h 222 19:12
    kira 227 17:25

    cynthia 200 15:02
    Steph v 200 19:54

  4. Rx
    Mike Mit. 200 18:38rx
    Roberto 219 13:08
    John m 200 16:26

  5. Rx
    Sean m 207 13:31
    Matt b 200 12:30
    Donna 200 15:49
    Larissa 186 Rx

  6. Micah 200 Rx 13:23
    Eric s 200 14:42 sc

  7. Dana d 200 rx (13:36)
    Jilla 215 rx (14:18)
    Sam f 207 rx (14:21)
    Andrew m 16:50 rx
    Karen m 201 rx (13:50)
    Colleen 200 rx (11:42)

  8. Rx
    Dana d 200 13:36
    Jill a 215 14:18
    Sam f 207 14:21
    Andrew 16:50
    Karen 201 13:50
    Samson 207 17:16
    Tunde 200 18:33
    Jeff p 17:35
    Erin m 200 14:26
    Natalie 200 12:06
    Colleen 200 11:42
    Jamie 200 10:09
    Brit h 200 17:19
    Jen c 203 11:44
    Sydney 200 18:37
    Josh s 210 16:10
    King 200 12:40
    Marissa 200 11:17

    Laura st 130
    Beenash 156
    Mae 200 17:52

  9. Suzanne 200 rx 14:43
    Bhargav 232 sc (15:54)
    Siva 203 sc (18:05)
    Joe s 228 rx (12:19)
    Kim c 200 rx (19:41)
    Jess s 200 rx (16:20)
    Josh mc 222 rx (15:32)
    Mark s 200 rx (10:41)
