
W.O.D. 11.4.19

Push Press
3 RM

Cash out:
Chest to Bar Pull-up
Calorie Row

CLICK HERE to compare to 2.21.19
CLICK HERE to compare to 5.29.19
CLICK HERE to compare to 8.5.19

"Live in the present tense, facing the duty at hand without regret for the past or worry over the future." 
- William De Witt Hyde


  1. Ryan c 8:59 pull
    Shawn 155 7:55 pull
    Anna 88 7:56 rr
    Larissa 80 9:23 15/12/6c2b

  2. 5:15/6a
    Mike M 165# PR! 6:42 Rx
    Jeremy D 155# 6:22 Rx
    Laura S 97.5 PR! 10:26 Pullups+(15-12-9)
    Yex 107.5# PR! 7:54 Pullups
    Mike C 145# PR! 7:15 Rx
    Manny 115# 9:24Rx
    Brian S 205# 6:14 Rx
    Sean S 195# 4:57 Rx
    Theresa L 105# 8:09 Rx
    Susan A 95# 8:50 Pullups
    Holly F 95# 8:43 RR
    Kevin B 150# 5:53 Rx
    Colin R 135# 7:08 Rx
    Mike San 125# 8:56 Pullups
    Ben M 135# 9:14 ROM
    Mike P 185# 7:39 Pullups
    King 155# 7:09 Rx
    Mak 135# PR! 8:37 Pull ups
    Austin 115# 8:13 RR
    Cass K 95# PR! 8:07 Pullups + RR
    Noah 209# Back Squats 8:30 RR

  3. 930
    Aimee 130/ 6:43 rx
    Cate 138/ 8:02 rx

    Jill h 105/ 8:54 pu
    Donna g 100/ 8:46 (12-9-6 c2ba)
    Ben b 145/ 9:15 (15-12-9 pu)
    Jess a 105 Pr/ 9:05 (9 band pu, 15-12-9 cal)
    Mary h 115/ 8:23 (12-9-6 c2b)

  4. Laura st 40sp
    Rich a 225 6:20rx
    Cherie 105 8:45 12/9/6pua
    Samson 125 7:14rx
    Jackie 134 7:25 12/9/6 C2B

  5. 330
    John Mc 155 pr (165 for 1)/ 8:05 ghd
    Mike M 135/ 9:40 rom
    Roberto 175/ 6:18 rx
    Sean open and 5:36 c2 bike

    Olan 185/ 8:27 rx
    Karen M 105/ 8:50 pu
    Alex Tu 145 pr/ 9:22 rx
    Matt bo 205 pr/ 8:28 pu
    Adam s 155 pr/ 8:19 rom
    Siva 105/ 9:34 pu rom

    Jon P 185/ 7:17 rx
    Kevin H 205/ 6:57 rx
    Sam f 155/ 6:58 rx
    Raj 150 pr/ 8:10 (12-9-6)
    Randy 155/ 6:21 rx
    Jen C 125/ 7:00 pu
    Erin M 110pr/ 7:53 rx
    Danielle g 125/ 7:55 pu
    Jamie s 145/ 7:22 rx
    Andrew M 175/ 4:02 rx
    Joe s 175 =[

  6. Mark Sp 175 PR!; 7:04 Rx
    Ari 145; 8:47 pu att
    Yasmine 60 ; 10:00 cap (pu att)
