
W.O.D. 11.3.19

3 Rounds for time of:
30 Alternating Dumbbell Snatch (35/50#)
20 Burpees
10 Bar Muscle Ups

“How wonderful it is that nobody need wait a single moment before starting to improve the world.” 
– Anne Frank

1 comment:

  1. Matt E 20:22 (45# C2B)
    Anson 20:25 (35# H2B)
    Madan DNF
    Erika R 16:59 (20# PU)
    Michael 20:44 Rx
    Mike Mit 20:50 (35# att/C2B)

    Marissa 17:35 (6 BMU)
    Danielle 15:41 (C2B att)
    Erik F 24:16 (40# PU)
    Isabel 24:53 (20# band strict pu)
    Em G 18:25 (30# band strict pu)
    Alex B 18:56 (25# band strict)
    Meg O 17:14 Rx
