
Adopt a Family

Once again we will be adopting 3 families this holiday season from the Montgomery County office of Children & Youth. 

The gift list comes directly from the kids in foster care and the families being supervised by the department. 

Please help us as a community brighten the holidays for these kids who need it! 

You can participate in a few ways:

1) Purchase a gift and bring it wrapped (if possible) and labeled with the child’s name and drop off in the babysitting room by December 20th. 

2) Have a gift delivered directly to the gym by December 20th (CrossFit King of Prussia 200 DeKalb Street; Bridgeport, Pa 19405) 

3) CLICK HERE to buy a gift directly from Amazon on our "Adopt a family" wish list and it will be sent directly to the gym. 

4) Buy a Visa or Target gift card and bring it the gym by December 16th and we will shop for what is left on the list, as well as gifts for Steve’s Club Athletes. 

Please sign up on the following spreadsheet, to let us know what gift you will be purchasing! 
CLICK HERE to sign up on the spreadsheet!

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