
W.O.D. 10.6.19

Congratulations to all the participants of the Level 2 Course, especially Jeff!!

Partner WOD: 
Run 400m (Together) 
20 Box Jump Over (24/20") 
Run 400m (Together) 
40 DB Box Step-up (24/20") (35/50#)
Run 400m (Together) 
80 Pistols
Run 400m (Together) 
40 DB Box Step-up (24/20") (35/50#)
Run 400m (Together) 
20 Box Jump Over (24/20") 

One athlete works at a time, runs are completed together.

Community Notes:
All CLASSES THIS WEEKEND will be held in the Annex (110C Dekalb St), please meet and park there.

“Just know, when you truly want success, you’ll never give up on it. No matter how bad the situation may get.” 
– Unknown

1 comment:

  1. Subhan + Team Spak 20:44 (S&M: 35#; all: pistol ROM)
    Colleen + Marissa 20:25 (M: Rx; C: 25#, pistol sc)
    Laura A + Mike M 22:17 (L: 25#, pistol ROM; M: 35#, pistol ROM)
    Suzanne + Kim 20:48 (S: 20#, pistol sc; K: 13", 20#, pistol sc)

    Cory 18:34 (1/2 reps; pistol plate)
    Emily G + Alex 24:13 (A: 16", 25#, pistol sc; Em: pistol sc)
