
W.O.D. 9.5.19

6 Rounds for time of:
5 Clean and Jerks (95/135#)
5 Bar Muscle Ups
5 Squat Snatch (95/135#)

Endurance Note:
CF Endurance Aerobic Capacity class will meet at the box at 6pm. Be prepared for a rowing/running workout.

"Success is a pile of failure. You're just standing on top of it and not underneath it." 
- Dave Ramsey


  1. 6am
    Webb 13:40 (65#, RR, p.snatch)
    Harry L 16:40, 65#/RR
    Mark S 20:48, 105#strict pull-ups
    Jeff G 23:01, 65#, scaled
    Kevin B 15:50, 95#, 3 bar mu
    Mike Mel 23:12, 75#/bmu ....(1st BMU!!!). :)
    Mike P 16:56 95/strict pullup
    Mike S 22:05 73#, strict pullups
    Sam B 13:05, 115#, c2b
    Manny 23:17, 75#, c2b
    Ben M 17:27 95#, box
    Danielle G 18:45, 85/banded c2b
    Briana K 29:33, banded mu
    Ellie H 23:33, 70#/Rom squat/BBmu
    Colleen B 22:07 85#/3bmu per round
    Dana D 25:09 95/65#
    Meg O 20:04 Rx

    Angela S 17:21 30# snatch, 55# CnJ, floss bandx2
    Mak 18:17 85#, Jumping bmu
    JP 23:30 155 CnJ, 115/135 S.Snatch
    Alex B 17:41 55#/band
    Melissa F 17:20 35#/band

  2. 830
    Lea 12:16 (c2b, 65)
    Jenna 28:45 (3 bmu)

    Subhan 23:30 (105, 3bmu)
    Cate K 18:01 (83, 2bmu)
    Matt T 9:36 (85, power snatch, back squat)
    Emily G 19:59 (55, jmu)
    Manisha 23:12 (55, jmu)
    Kevin H 17:37 (115, power)
    Jackie H 20:00 (5 ads, 75, mu scale)

  3. 1215
    Pete d 18:29 (120/10c2b)
    Bridget 21:55 (85, 5att)
    Shawn 15:10 (jmu, 95)
    Kate 18:01 (45/15, knee raise)
    Keith 27:12 rx
    Carl 18:15 rx
    Barb bo 17:30 (15/35, kip swing)
    Jen c 17:00 (85, 3 BMU)
    Christine r 15:10 (60)
    Theresa 16:01 (75, 3 bmu band)
    Joe c 25:18 (125, power)
    Remer 24:19 rx
    Micah 22:09 (3 bmu)

  4. Masters
    Jill h 11:13 (55, rr, power)
    Mary h 14:10 (55, C2b, power)
    Ina 11:56 (15, 3pu, 55 fs)
    Gigi 10:15 (band, 23, power)
    Anne b 13:59 (40, band)
    Pam 14:50 (23/33, 5 strict pu)
    Terry 12:54 (35, band strict)
    Cathy =)
    Barb c 13:01 (19#, band)

    Tyler 16:32 rx
    Cate 18:36 (73/35, c2b)
    Frank 20:38 (95, 3bmu)
    Al 19:55 (115)

  5. 430
    Clay 17:46 rx
    Donna 16:01 (60, 3 c2b)
    Roberto 23:38 (95)
    Mike m 20:28 (95, squat cleans) first bmu!!
    Julie 21:34 (75, mua)
    Matty bo 19:08 (95)
    Siva 24:26 (65, pu)

  6. 530
    Andrew m 12:58 rx
    Joe s 17:25 rx
    Sam f 20:36 (75, c2b/ mu)
    Farrah 18:27 (35, rr)
    Bhargav 18:19 (55, pu)
    Ryan s 15:59 (95, 3mu)
    Erin m 17:08 (65, 3 band mu)
    Kira 17:10 (85)
    Colin 19:50 (115)

    Jessie 13:11 (15/79, strict band pu)
    Matt e 18:56 (95, c2b)
    Chak 15:42 (85, jbmu)
    Gia 15:00 (65/ 15, c2ba)
    Laura st 11:46 (35/15 hps, band strict)

    Victor 14:45 (4 rds, 45/75)
