
W.O.D. 8.7.19

EMOM for 20 Minutes:

Even: 5 Back Squat (60% of best 1 RM)
Odd: 10 Strict Handstand Push-Ups

"Success is walking from failure to failure with no loss of enthusiasm." 
- Winston Churchill


  1. 9:30 AM

    Jackie H. 130,3 abm@5
    Shawn W. 135,2 abm@7
    Donna G. 105,2 abm+10lb pl@7
    Caitlyn B. 115,2 abm@10
    Delaney M. 115,2 abm@5
    Steph C. 75,3 abm@5
    Kevin B. 135,2/3 abm
    Barb B. 60,Db press@15#
    Rah on A. 125,3 abm@10-6

    Aimee 155 Rx
    Andrew C. 235 Rx

  2. 12:15 EXP

    Pete D. 190 Rx
    Natalie D. 140,2 abm
    Joe S. 225, 5 to 2
    Jessie S. 105, Db pp 12#
    Tim H. 185, push-ups
    Kate W. 25, Db pp 12#
    Remer 190 Rx

  3. 430
    roberto 155 1abm (7reps last set)
    tommy 115 lsp25
    brian s 135box 7reps
    sam m 155 1abm
    karen m 135 lsp25/20
    mike m 145 tsp 30

    chris c 155 hasp&lsp35
    randy 155 tsp 30
    becky s 95 7sb
    siva 85 sb
    cherie 95 20lsp
    jeff p 245rx
    erin 55rkns/2abm&lsp 20

  4. 630
    Todd 185/ 5 (1ab)
    Subhan 185 rom/ 10/4 reps (2ab)
    Josh s 185 rom/ 5 reps
    Maia 53/ 15# l sit (8 reps)
    Lily 125/ 7 reps (2/1 ab)
    Amanda 105/ 2ab (6 reps)
    Sarah j 95/ 15# l sit
    Gia 95/ 2ab (10/5 reps)
    Laura st 85 rom/ 10/8 reps (2 ab+ plate)

  5. opps missed some scores!!

    Tom R 235Rx

    micah 220 4-10reps
    sam f 135 some sb
    bhargav 95 sb
    cory 185 2-5reps
    farrah 75 lsp15
    dana d 125 2-5 reps +lsp

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