
W.O.D. 8.14.19

10 rounds for reps of: 

 30 seconds of burpees 
Rest 30 seconds 
30 seconds of dumbbell thrusters 
Rest 30 seconds 

 ♀ 30-lb. dumbbells ♂ 45-lb. dumbbells

“People do not decide to become extraordinary. They decide to accomplish extraordinary things.” 
—Edmund Hillary


  1. 515
    Jeremy 161 Rx
    King 170 40#
    Brian S 209 35#
    Caleb S (drop in from Virginia) 100ish? Rx
    Laura Smith 175 15#
    Mark S 148 Rx
    Jamie S 215 Rx
    Dana D 218 Rx

    Julia C 168 20#
    Mike Mel 132 Rx
    Manisha 201 15#
    Anthony D 161 25#
    Danielle G 190 Rx
    Chip 137 25#
    Ben M 177 35#

    Larissa 182 20#
    Anna 180 12#/ass bike
    Lily 214 25#

  2. 9:30

    Megan O. 219 Rx
    Delaney M. 136 20#
    Donna G. 164 25#
    Caitlyn B. 154 Rx
    Rahmon A. 152 35#

    12:15 EXP

    Gian D. 195 35#
    Kate W. 152 10#
    Matt T. 157 30#
    Jen C. 183 Rx
    Pete D. 184 95# barbell
    Colleen B. 183 Rx
    Christine R. 😊

  3. 630
    Braden 200 35#
    Maia 102 10#
    Gia 115 rx
    Kim 124 20#
    Subhan 143 35#
    Laura st 166 12/8# squat

  4. 730
    Mike r 144 rx
    Alex 171 20#
    Missy 149 20#

  5. 4:30
    cory 154 35
    mike m 133 30
    siva 121 20
    mchugh 149 30
    roberto 166 35
    alex tu 132 25
    yasmine 137 15
    tunde 141 15
    marissa 155rx
    andrew 210 35
    tom r 182 rx

    jess m 197 20/nojump
    raj 138 25
    laura a 184 rx
    sam m 167 35
    jp 186rx
    erinn 200 25
    joe s 183rx
    erin 236 15/nojump
    farrah 119 c2bike/12rom
