
W.O.D. 6.20.19

AMRAP in 15 Minutes:
Run 200 Meters
5 Bar Muscle Ups
5 Squat Snatch (95/135#)

Community Note: 

Our track workout will be- at the track at 6pm. Conestoga High School, bring water, as it should be steamy! Use the entrance to the track as Irish Road and Lizbeth Lane, not the main football stadium. The track is separate. All are welcome!

"A creative man is motivated by the desire to achieve, not by the desire to beat others." 
- Ayn Rand


  1. +1 is for the 200m run

    Jeremy 5 (squat clean sub, burp pull-ups)
    Sean S 4+1 Rx
    Nikki 5 (85#, 5rr/5dips)
    Chip 4+1 (burpee pull-ups)
    Mike S 4+9 (63#/box jmu)
    Kevin B 4+1 (95#/2bmu/3jmu)
    Kevin Luk. 2+9 (95#)
    Sam B 6 (box rr/115#)

    Courtney B 4+5 (85#/burpee chest to bar)
    Christine R 4+1 (60#/burpee pullup)
    Joe C 3+5 (95#/power snatch sub)

  2. 430
    Karen m 4+1 (65 hang power, jmu)
    Mike m 4 (95 clean, jmu)
    Jilla 4+1 rx
    Keith 4 rx
    Amm 3 (85, hips to bar)
    Sam Mc 4+1 (95 rom, pu)
    Roberto 3+6 (75)
    Yex 5 (55, c2b)
    Cory 5+6 (75, strict ring pu)
    Hasan 4 (105, hips to bar)
    Joe s 5+1 rx

    Sam 5+4 (pu)
    Erinn 5+1 (75, pu)
    Lily 4+9 (85, c2b)
    Danielle 5 (c2b, 85)
    Dan 3+6 (115, 3 bmu)
    Raj 3+6 (c2b)
    Sam f 5 (85, bmu/ c2b)
    Gia 4+1 (70# power, rr/c2ba)

  3. Dave 5,115,C2B
    Mike R 5,115(power),3BMU atts
    Missy 3+6,PU atts, 55
    Alex 4,60,3 PUs
    Ro 4,RR, 45

  4. 930
    Jackie 4 85/10pushup
    Emily 4 55/jpu
    marissa 3 75
    mak 4 85/hspu w/2ab
    anna c 5+1 0.3Bike/45hps/pullup
    Caitlyn 3+6 jbmu/80

    hazard 4 85/1m bike

    barb b 5 jpux10/35pwr

    mike c 3+9 75rom/bmu
    steph m 3+9 75
    jess s 4+3 55/row/ctba
    laura st 4+1 bike/jump pullx10, 30
    tyler 5rx
    Andrew 6 rx
    Samson 5 95 3bmu
