
W.O.D. 6.17.19

All for time:

Squat Cleans (95/135#)
Ring Dips

rest 2:00

Deadlifts (155/225#)
Calorie Row

"Things work out best for those who make the best of how things work out." 
-John Wooden


  1. Julia c 21:02 63 123 boxes
    Larissa 23:33 53/103 ft box

  2. Anthony :)
    Kevin 19:45,115,185
    King 24:24,115,165
    Christine 18:15,79,115
    Lily 15:35 DNF
    Ellie 24:31,85, asst.ring dips
    Mike 27:52,95,155,asst ring dips
    Holly 24:36,65,135
    Sean 23:33rx
    Jeremy 19:45 115 sq clean

    Rasean 21:51,95,115
    Surprise Aimee! 16:50 RX
    Cate 21:48 RX
    Justin showed up and fitnessed :)
    Ben 24:15,95,155 asst dips
    Nikki 16:14 RX
    Meg 19:03 RX
    Sam 18:19, RX
    Colleen 24:08, banded dips
    Yex 19:41,65, asst dips
    Jeff 23:30 sc.
    Ellie P18:40,55,105,asst dips
    Mike P 25:35 RX

  3. 930
    Mary h 19:41 (75 pwr/125, toes on box)
    Jackie 20:47 (85/135, 9-6-3 dips)
    Anna c 21:19 (85/135, par)
    Laura st 21:56 (25# hpc/55#, box dips)
    Tori 22:07 (65/115, toes on box)
    Caitlyn b 23:20 (85/135, band)

  4. 330
    Jill h 22:28 (75, toes on box)
    Mchugh 25:14 (115/185, toes)
    Lea w 20:36 (12/9/6 dips)
    Micah 20:18 rx
    Donna g 22:27 (85/140, toes)

    Matt d 22:16 (85/155)
    Samson 20:56 (95/185)
    Jilla 21:24 box
    Keith 21:00 (to 21 cal row, coach )
    Tommy 25:15 (65/95, 12/12/9 dips rom)
    Matt b 26:34 (115, toes)
    Karen m 25:35 (85, toes)
    Mike m 26:06 (85/155)
    Alex th 21:47 (85, toes)
    Alex tu 25:53 (105/ 44 double kbs, box)
    Olan 26:16 (95/215)

  5. 12:15
    pete d 21:21rx
    julie r 21:15 85 ftbox
    bridget 22:42 85 115 rom
    rich a 17:22 rx
    remer 21:24 rx
    barb b 19:58 35/55/boxdip
    meredith 20:27 55/125/ft box

  6. Masters (power cleans)
    john b 15:49 53/103/pushup
    eileen 18:44 30/50/pdip
    laurie 16:46 35/55/ftbox
    dianne 18:40 33/73/pdip
    anne br 17:37 45/75/pdip
    ina 20:33 53/83/pushup
    terry j 17:18 53/93/ftbox
    barb z 19:55 53/63/pdip
    pam g 19:32 75fullsquat/155/pushup

  7. 5:30

    Farrah 25:36 45/75
    Andrew M 17:37 Rx
    Jeff P 15:42 Rx inverted start
    Josh S 27:18 Rx inverted start
    Kevin Hain 19:39 Rx
    Natalie 19:72 box
    Erin M 20:58 band 85/115
    Laura 20:24 85;155 feet on box
    Randy 23:43 Rx
    Erinn 19:35 85/115
    Sam F 23:14 95/135 (9-6-3dead)
    Dan M 25:08 105/185 ski
    Raj :)
    Beneath 23:56 95/55 box
    Danielle 16:05 box
    Dana 25:37 Rx
    Joe S 16:12 Rx inverted start
    Erika 20:46 115/65 inverted start romSquat
    Jen C 21:39 box/bike
    JP 19:19 Rx inverted start
    Tom 18:33 Rx
    Shawna 23:45 65/115 36cleans


    Stephanie Mc 20:43 75/115 band
    Stephanie C 21:38 55/105 band
    Fayth 21:21 55/105 rom/boxsquat
    Sarah 22:32 55/105
    Lucas 19:37 Rx
    Braden 18:39 Rx
    Chak 26:00 105/185 band
    Bahrgov 26:00 65/105 band hangSquatClean
    Karen 21:20 65/105 feetonbox
    Micheal Mc 25:20 75/155 box
    Tyler 23:38 Rx


    log yo shit out Aimee Lyons!!!

  8. Missy 28:11 (55#c, 105# dl, band)
    Alex 25:50 (75#c, band)
    Mike Roth 24:02 (115# c, 185# dl)
    Ro 29:59 (55# c, 105# dl, box dip)
    PM Neil D 27:14 Rx
