
W.O.D. 5.5.19

3 Rounds:
15 Power Snatch (95/135#)
15 Calories Bike
15 Burpees

Community Note:
There will be OPEN GYM today from 11am- 1pm

“People who are crazy enough to think they can change the world, are the ones who do.” 
– Rob Siltanen

1 comment:

  1. Emma 16:04 (35# hang)
    Pete D 15:38 (115#)
    Cory 13:32 (115#)

    Rob 15:22 (115#) *drop-in
    Jamie 14:54 (85#)
    Meg O 16:57 Rx
    Erika R 18:05 (75# Power Clean)
    Becky 18:10 (70# 15/15/10 snatch reps)
    Keith 17:54 Rx
    John 13:38 (95#)
