
W.O.D. 5.12.19


For time: 
 5 rounds of: 
 4 ring muscle-ups 
 13 shoulder-to-overheads, 95/135 lb. 

Then, increase the weight for 5 rounds of: 
 4 ring muscle-ups 
 7 shoulder-to-overheads, 125/185 lb. 

 Time cap: 15 minutes

Community Note:
Join us TODAY at 7:45am for our Booty and Beauty Mother's Day event. P3 Kitchen will be on- site providing breakfast, there will be FREE Mimosas, Aimee will be running a fun workout, and we will have the Nordstrom Beauty Counter here at CFKOP to do Make-Up, Blowouts, and Brows!

Today's Open Strength: 
Will be in the ANNEX from 9am- 11am

"The first step toward success is taken when you refuse to be a captive of the environment in which you first find yourself."
- Mark Caine

1 comment:

  1. Lucas 5+5 Rx
    Lily 5
    Randy 5+1 115
    Andre 7+1 95/115
    Cline 5+9 35/95
    Suhban 5 95 muaX3
