
W.O.D. 4.4.19

For time:
60 Calorie Row
50 Dumbbell Snatch (35/50#)
40 GHD Sit-ups
30 Chest to Bar Pull-ups
20 Toe to Bar
10 Strict Deficit HSPU (25/45# plates)

"Work hard. Through determination and self-focus and discipline, you can accomplish anything."
- Kimberly Guilfoyle


  1. 8:30 AM
    Aimee 13:26 Rx
    Cate 16:02 Rx
    Jenna 20:00 strict to floor
    Jill A 16:45 strict to floor
    Lea 17:04 20 CTB 1 AB

    9:30 AM
    Jill H 16:45 (30# 3AB, 20 PU, 10 TTBROM)
    Noel 22:04 (7 strict 45#)
    Amanda 17:35 (20# ab-mat situp 10 banded PU, 10 TTBROM)
    Kevin H 20:31 Rx
    Larissa 17:02 (25# 20 GHD, 20 CTB 10 TTB)
    Emily 18:36 (30# kick up, banded ABMat RoM TTB)

  2. 1215
    Pete 19:17 rx
    Vinnie 17:50 rx
    Randy 17:52 (strict to floor)
    Olan 19:46 (2ab, 20 c2b, abmat situp)
    Bridget 20:01 (20 c2ba, 10 ttb)
    Karen S 17:38 (20#, 20 sit ups, 20 ghd, 10 ttb, 10 c2b rom, pu)
    Brian S 14:56 rx
    Subhan 15:48 (kb goblet squat rom)
    Matt T 19:!2 (pu, 2ab, 35# db)
    Dana H 20:38 (strict to floor)
    Tim H 15:09 (abmat, 1/2 pu, ttb, 35#, sb)
    Keith B 21:39 rx
    Carl B 13;25 rx

  3. Masters
    50 cal row
    40 db snatch
    30 ttb
    20 push ups
    10 ghd

    Mom 10:40 (12# pu)
    Anne B 12:22 (20#, pu)
    Terry 16:28 (20#, 2ab+ plate)
    Dianne 15:33 (15#, plank)
    Joe D 14:02 (35#, pu)
    Ina 16:39 (15#, 2ab+plate)

  4. 6am
    Jeremy 18:00 (2abmats strict)
    Kevin B 16:32 (2abmats strict)
    Sean S 15:48 --
    Mark S 19:35 scale
    Jeff G 22:40 V-ups, 35#, band c2b
    Mike S 22:30 35#, rom c2b, DB press, V-ups
    Ben M 20:50 (1abmat strict)
    Matt D 20:54 35#, 1 hspu, 9 stink bugs
    Theresa 18:15 (1 abmat strict)
    Dana D 19:11 (1 abmat strict)
    Jamie S 19:11 (strict)

    Nikki 15:38 (1 abmat strict)
    Sam B 14:18 (1 abmat, v-ups)
    Kevin Luk. 18:26 (1 abmat)
    Anna C 16:11 scaled

  5. Villanova
    Kira 17:09 (hspu scale)
    Ashley 16:40 sc
    Gabriella 15:04 sc
    Annette 13:50 sc
    Lauren 18:13 sc
    Heatehr 15:33 sc
    Matt K 14:14 rx
    Bridget 14:10 sc
    Cate 15:50 sc
    Steph V 15:26 sc

  6. 430
    Micah 16:43 rx
    Tommy 21 wish (25#,rom, pu, 1ab)
    Karen M 21:20 (25#,1/2ghd, 2ab,pu)
    Roberto 19:26 rx
    Cory 18:28 rx
    Raj 18:42 (3ab, abmat sit up, 15 c2b, ttba)
    Andrea 18:18 (25#, abmat, pu,ttba, 2ab)
    Julie R 18:35 (pu, 3ab)
    Cali 18:17 (ttba, 20#, band, push ups)
    Mak 15:03 (rr, 3ab, v up)

  7. 530
    Denise 16:35 sc
    Alona 18:03 (3ab, pu)
    Matt B 20:52 (sb)
    Matt E 19:50 (1/2 ghd, kr, kick up)
    Andrew M 14:56 (strict floor)
    Shawna 18:04 (25# pu, ttb rom, sb)
    Alexx 16:36 (3ab, c2ba)
    Dani 18:03 (1/2 ghd, 1/2 ab, 2ab)
    Sam F 18:23 (40#, 1/2 ghd, ttb rom)
    Erin 15;59 (30#, 1/2 c2b, 2ab)
    Colleen 13:#1 (ttpole, pu, 20 push)
    Jeff P 13:01 rx
    Joe S 22:28 rom

    Gia 18:15 (25#, ttba, pu, 2ab)
    Liz 19:02 (c2ba, abmat, 25#, 2ab+pl)
    Phani 18:07 (25#, ttba, db clean, pu, push ups)
    Chak 19:45 (35#, push)
    Bhargav 19:50 (25#, 25 pua,kr, push ups, abmat sit ups)
    Jake =]
    Natalie 18:37 (eab)
    Steph C 18:35 (25#, ttba, 3ab, push ups)
    Caitlyn B 19:44 (c2ba, 2ab)
    Erik 18:30 (40#, 5 hspu at 3ab, kr, c2ba)
    Dan 20:34 (1ab, pu/c2b)

    Missy 20:47 (30#, parallel, band, kr, 2ab)
    Alex 19:56 (band, kr, 2ab)
