
W.O.D. 3.28.19

Army Sgt 1st Class Daniel Crabtree was killed in Al Kut, Iraq on Thursday June 8th, 2006. 
To Daniel's family and friends, we express our sorrow; to his wife Kathy and daughter Mallory, we tearfully acknowledge your loss as the true cost of freedom. Fair Winds, Daniel.


 For time: 
50 Pull-ups 
400 meter run 
65/95 pound Thruster, 21 reps 
800 meter run 
65/95 pound Thruster, 21 reps 
400 meter run 
50 Pull-ups

"It is during our darkest moments that we must focus to see the light."
- Aristotle


  1. 830
    Jilla 20:41 sc
    Jenna 22:41 rx
    Steph V 18:07 (55, inc push ups, row/bike/row)

    Tim H 20:49 (25pu, 1kbike/row/bike)
    Shawn W 18:45 (25 pu, 65)
    Holly F 19:30 (45#, 25pu, band)

    Matt T 21:54 rx
    Kevin T 21:13 rx
    Subhan 18:39 rx
    Jessie 21;57 (row, 35 pu, 55#)
    Bridget 21;03 (35pu/rr)
    Mark Sp 18:37 (25 strict/ 50 rr)
    Pete 23:16 rx
    Noel 19:04 (200/400/200 run)

  2. 230
    Kira 19:10 rx
    Tyler 20:27 rx
    Ashley 21:55 (30 pu)
    Bri 13:18 (band/ rr, 45, 1/2 reps)
    Mike 22:40 (75)
    Annette 19:03 (25 band, 35#)
    Heather 16:20 (rr/55#)
    Gabriella 20:40 (rr, 35#)
    Cate 18:18 (bike, 1/2 rr/ pu, 25# db push press)

  3. 430
    Mike M 25:40 old man scale
    Dan =] welcome!
    Val =] welcome!
    Erin M 17:14 (55)
    Dani 22:23 rx
    Laura A 20:53 rx
    Olan 26:38 (75)
    Julie R 22:50 (40 pu)
    Vinnie 19:17 rx
    Andrea Z 22:08 (55, 1/2 pu)
    Tommy 25:00 (75, ring pu)
    Micah 20:28 rx
    Ina 21:43 (35#, 50/30 rr)

    Keith 19:51 (bike)
    Jeff P p 16:50 rx
    Joe S 16:19 rx
    Becky 19:06 (15pu/10rr)
    Alex Th 21;26 rx
    Kate SP 23:55 (55, 1/2 pu, rr)
    Esra 26:02 (1/2 pu)
    Raj 20:46 (1/2 RUN, 1/2 PU)
    Gia 22:28 (60, 35pu)
    Ushita 20:40 (15, rr, 1/2)
    Colleen 20:02 (bike, 50/25 pu)
    Jen C 17:25 rx
    Rekha 19:50 (rr, 1/2 run, 35#)

  4. 6am
    Jeremy 18:10 Rx
    Sean S 17:59 (25 pu/25rr in 2nd round)
    Kevin B 15:10 (25 pull-ups)
    Ben M 22:44 (85#, 40pullups)
    Matt D 20"49 @65#
    Jeff G 23:49 25pu/25rr
    Theresa 20:03 Rx
    Mike S 24:32 25pu/25rr @65#

    Nikki 16:52 Rx
    Neil D 24:10 Rx
    JP 21:24 Rx
    Joe C 25:16 (bike cal 20/40/20)
    Marla 22:02 (bike cal 20/40/20) @55#
    Mike P 24:23 Rx

  5. 6:30
    Dan M 14:20 (30 GHD, 40# 1arm DB)
    Alona 21:08 (50 RR/50 GHD)
    Cait 24:11 Rx
    Matt E 25:56 (75#)
    Michael C 20:42 (65#)
    Braden 18:40 Rx
