
W.O.D. 3.27.19

All for time:
Power Snatch (75/115#)
Ring Dips

rest 3:00 minutes

Wallballs (14/20#) to (9/10ft)
Push Press (75/115#)

Community Note:
Don't forget to sign- up for the Steve's Club Brew and Brunch for Sunday, April 28th.
Proceeds go entirely to Steve's Club King of Prussia which provides free CrossFit classes for youth of all ages who otherwise couldn't afford it and/or who are looking for a community and purpose to positively impact their lives.

or CLICK HERE to sign up

"You were designed for accomplishment, engineered for success, and endowed with the seeds of greatness." 
- Zig Ziglar


  1. 515am
    Jeremy 17:10 Rx
    Mark S 19:34 (95#, power cleans)
    Jamie S 15:19 (pushups)
    Kevin B 19:55 95#
    Sean S 21:06 Rx
    Ellie H 17:14 scaled
    Jess M 17:31 (band scaled)

    Yex 15:47 55#, band)
    King 20:38 95#
    Colleen B 15:35 (65#, jumping dips)

    Vinny 19:44 Rx
    Joe C 19:18 95#
    JP 16:53 Rx
    Matt D 18:38 (55#, 14#wb)
    Joelle 18:30 (55#, band)
    Nikki 17:18 Rx
    Anna C 18:00 (55#, cleans, 10# wb)
    Emily G 19:46 (55#, 12#wb)
    Alex B 19:03 (55#, band)

  2. 9:30

    Tom G. 19:30,85#,band
    Shawn W. 18:43,95/75,band
    Larissa 20:15,45#,band
    Mary H. 19:21,60#,band
    Jackie H. 19:08,70#,9-6-3
    Lucas S. 19:57 Rx
    Donna G. 18:24,65#,band
    Andrea Z. 19:36,45#,band
    Frank M. 19:15,95#

  3. 12:15 EXP

    Kevin H. 17:25,95#
    Pete D. 19:06 Rx
    Dave M. 17:45,65/45,14#,band
    Nicole R. 18:30,35#,6#,band
    Subhan K. 17:13,100#
    Rich A. 15:40 Rx

  4. Villanova
    Tyler 19:58 rx
    Matt 17:27 rx
    Gabriella 17:09 (35, box, 8# wb)
    Heather 16:14 (55, toes on box)
    Annette 16:21 (35, 8, box dips)
    Mike m 21:44 (75/65, toes on box)
    Bridget 17:03 (box, 8’ ish, 45)

    Noel 20:50 (95)

    Laur a 18:24 (65, sc dip)
    Alona 22:07 box
    Eva 21:40 (35, 10#, box)
    Cory 19:44 rx
    Mike c 18:56 (65, band)
    Remer 20:43 rx
    Mike mc 18:10 (65, box)
    Kim 16:02 sc
    Gia 18:59 (55, toes on box)
    Liz 17:41 (45, box)
    Chak 20:45 (75/85, rom)
    Ashley 18:05 (toes on box)
    Bri 18:15 (50, box)
    Caitlyn 20:35 (65, band)
    Steph mc 19:44 (65, band)
    Matt e 19:55 (95, band)
    Natalie 18:40 (band)

  5. 4:30
    Micah 16:05 95
    Mike m :) 75/ftbox/75
    Alex tu 22:29 75/ftbox/15
    Randy 20:48 95
    Dani 16:52 ftbox/65
    Sam m 15:00 75
    Ryan k 23:23 rx
    Jill h 21:26 65/ftbox
    Jenna 20:12rx
    Josh m 14:50 75
    Karen m 21:00 65/ftbox

  6. 5:30pm
    Sam f 19:23 75
    Erin m 14:06 boxes(ftbehind)/65
    Joe s 14:05rx
    Alexxx 16:26 ftbox/65
    Matt b 17:49 ftbox/95
    Rekha 20:28 boxes/35
    Jen h 19:56 boxes/45

  7. Masters 3/28
    All box dips
    8# wb
    Barb c 17:21 (25#)
    Laurie 17:15 (25#)
    Anne b 18:21 (35#)
