
W.O.D. 3.20.19

4 Rounds for time:
400 Meter Run
30 Kettlebell Swings (35/53#)
30 Ab-Mat Sit-ups

"Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment."
- Buddha


  1. 515
    Jamie S 16:17 Rx
    Laura Smith 17:24 (hollow hold/ Russian)
    Mark s 19:34 Rx
    Ellie H 19:58 Rx (1/2ghd per round)
    Manisha 20:53 Rx
    Ben M 21:02 Rx

    Roberto Cres. 20:46 Rx
    Yexenia N 19:46 500 row
    Sam B 16:40 Rx
    Kevin B 17:01 Rx
    Dana D 16:18 Rx

    Mike P 18:24 Rx
    Nikki 15:15 Rx
    Natalie D 16:39 Rx
    Neil D 20:55 Rx
    Webb E 22:35 (44#)
    Alex B 22:52 Rx

  2. 9:30

    Kevin H. 17:03,15 kbs
    Jackie H. 20:55 Rx
    Shawn W. 24:33 Rx
    Donna G. 18:55 Rx
    Noel S. 24:02,25 cal ass bike
    Anna C. 21:28,20 cal ass bike
    Lucas S. 19:52 Rx

  3. 12:15 EXP

    Keith B. 22:36 Rx
    Subhan K. 18:11 Rx
    Pete D. 19:58 Rx
    Matt T. 18:34 44#
    Sean S. 17:25 Rx
    Nicole R. 21:06 200m
    Cherie C. 20:04. 200m
    Rich A. 17:48 Rx

  4. Villanova
    Matt 16:02 rx
    Tyler 18:56 rx
    Mike M 16:59 (44)
    Heather 17:34 rx
    Melina 19:58 (26)
    Bridget 18:35 (200m, 25#)
    Ashley M 19:57 rx

    Jenna 17:32 rx

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. 4:30p
    randy 18.53 rx
    jess a 23.19 row
    karen m :) row
    mike m 22.58 35
    regi 21.29 rx
    remember 17.04 rx
    andrea 19.?? 25
    olan 22.51 rx
    tunde 24.50 25
    jill h 19.45 rx
    manny 19.30 35

    bhargav 20.00 25
    merna 23.15 200m/18r
    sam f 17.12 44
    alexx 17.47 rx (alex did all of her reps unbroken....aaaaand got her first chest to bars after class!!)
    kyle g 23.53 rx (2rnd on airruner)
    dan sam 19.04 rx
    micah 16.52 rx
    cory 16.06 rx
    alona 17.06rx
    arin m 17.27 rx
    raj 23.15 rx

  7. 630
    Mike c 20:08 rx
    josh Mc 18:05 rx
    Marissa 18:45 rx
    Gia 21:00 rx
    Liz 19:20 (3 rds)
    Kim 20:47 (25)
    Eva 22:40 (20#)
    Matt e 22:41 rx
    Mike mc 21:10 (35#)
    Karen s 21:34 (25#)
    Caitlyn b 19:17 rx
    Chak 21:56 (45#)
    Erik 25:32 (45)
    Rekha 22:28 (20#, 200m)

  8. 730
    Missy 21:14 rx
    Ellie 17:30 (25#)
