
W.O.D. 2.6.19


 Five rounds for time of: 
 12 Deadlifts (105/155#) 
 9 Hang power cleans (105/155#) 
 6 Push jerks (105/155#)

CLICK HERE to compare to 2016

"Great works are performed not by strength but by perseverance." 
- Samuel Johnson


  1. 9:30

    Mary H. 8:12,75
    Jackie H. 6:18,75
    Larissa 9:49,55
    Tori C. 7:02,65
    Donna G. 7:42,80
    Frank M. 8:58,115

  2. Hey nice work morning crew and good to see you again. I think mostly everyone chose the proper weight for DT this time around whether you went scaled or Rx, way to get at it early, and lift with intensity.

    Anna L 8:34 Rx
    Sean S 12:01 Rx
    Zach B 10:41 Rx
    Ben M 12:09@105
    Mike S 11:20@85
    Theresa 9:00@95
    Christine R 10:37@65
    Manisha 6:57@65
    Susan A 9:52 @75

    Justin C 9:35 Rx
    Jamie S 10:14 Rx
    Nikki 8:19 Rx
    Meg O 7:53 Rx
    Dana D 12:32 Rx
    Emily D 11:13@75
    Mike P 10:32@135
    Colleen 9:30@95
    Chip 10:01@135
    Danielle G 7:41@95
    Kevin B 8:25@115
    Mark S 12:41@115
    Matt D 8:11@85

    Lauren H 11:06 Rx
    Natalie D 11:04 Rx
    JP 9:15 Rx
    Sam B 7:25@135
    Anna C 11:27@65
    Erin M. 9:32@85
    Joelle 11:20@75
    Kevin L 10:36@95
    Joe C 11:00@135
    Marla 10:30@85
    Jess M 9:17@30#dumbbells

  3. Jenna K. 9:28 Rx
    Chelsea 6:47 Rx
    Gordy 8:32, 115

    12:15 EXP

    Tim H. 13:16,105
    Matt T. 11:59,105
    John McH. 12:10,105
    Jen H. 13:08,55
    Karen S. 11:49,55

  4. Villanova
    Heather 8:33 (75)
    Subhan 9:54 (105)

  5. 430
    Alex tu 9:05 105
    Mike m 9:00 85
    Cherie 9:23 65
    Andrea 7:44 65
    Karen 7:57 75
    Rahmon 10:57 90
    Sydney 9:22 70
    Nicole 8:59 75
    Alicia 7:02 75
    Josh m 11:26 145 fs(for pj)
    Roberto 8:01 105
    Jill h 9:46 85

  6. 5:30
    Kayla 4:30 rx
    Alona 13:38 rx Pr
    Joe s 12:32 rx
    Kyle g 13:18 145
    Caitlyn 8:42 75
    Steph m 9:04 75
    Laura a 8:54 rx Pr
    Alex th 7:36 75
    Possum 11:50rx
    Shawna 9:00 75
    Becky 7:07 70
    Braden 12:12 135
    Micah 12:49rx
    Cory 8:05 125
    Dan m 10:10 105

  7. 630
    Mike mc 10:50 (80/ 9 fs)
    Chak 10:48 (95)
    Kim =)
    Liz 13:58 (85)
    Gia 9:40 (75)
    Mike c 9:31 (85)
    Bri 10:22 (65)
    Ashley m 7:44 rx
    Matt e 9:38 (135)

    Dave 10:32 (75)
    Andrew Mc 11:22 (95)
    Neil 9:26 rx
    Ashley mc 10:30 (85)
    Alex 12:51 (75)
