
W.O.D. 2.18.19

For time:
90 Calories Row
90 Wallballs (14/20# to 9/10 ft target)
90 Slam Balls
60 Calories Row
60 Wallballs (14/20# to 9/10 ft target)
60 GHD Hip Extensions
30 Calories Row
30 Wallballs (14/20# to 9/10 ft target)
30 Ring Muscle Ups

(one athlete works at a time to complete the work, time cap 30 minutes)

Community Notes:
There is still time to sign up for the CrossFit Games OPEN. We will be running the OPEN WOD every Friday in all classes and a special FRIDAY NIGHT LIGHTS with different vendors each Friday.

Week 1-Lifting Culture Apparel, will be selling gear and P3 Kitchen will be sampling food.

"Trust yourself. You know more than you think you do." 
 -- Dr. Benjamin Spock


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  3. Kevin/Sam b (Manisha 10sb/jmu)25::09 30sb/jmu

    Marla/Anna c 24:02 bike (55/35/15) gobsq 20sb rr
    Joec(Rx/30)/Rahmon(bmua/30)(Jeff g 14#/25#/bndpull/gm) 30:10
    Annie R/Ellie g 28:15 15sb/10wb/bnddip+rr

  4. Theresa(JRMU/20sb)/Anna L (Rx/20sb)/Ben M (JRMU/20sb) 28:21
    Jeremy D(JRMU)/Sean S (last few JRMU) 25:05 30#
    Laura S(supermans)/Christine R 29:28 10#sb/trans+dips

    * Correction
    Manisha - 15#sb

  5. 930
    Braden and Mike P 24:48 (rx/mua) 25# sb
    Danielle and Mak 25:55 (pu/ trans+dip)
    Mary H and Jackie H 27:33 (12#wb,trans+dips) 15# sb
    Kevin H and Dave M 30:00 (trans, 14#wb) 15#sb
    Jess M 29:19 (band dips+ trans, good mornings) 15# sb
    Mark Spak and Jamie Sp 26:17 ( burpee pu, 30/20# sb)

  6. Aimee and joe 23:56 rx (35/25)
    Jenna and Gordy 30:09 (cap- rx/ mua)

    Matt and subhan 24:20 (jmu) 25sb
    Lauren and Gabriella 29:16 (Superman’s/ hip ext, 10# wb, trans) 10sb
    Ashley and mike m 24:36 (14# wb, trans ish+ dips ish) 20sb
    Cate and heather 26:16 (10#wb, pu/ dip)

  7. 330
    Randy/ Jeff/ remer 27:07 rx 30# sb
    Tori/ emily/ holly 28:52 sc
    Manny/ Andrew mc 29:45 sc
    John King/ John McHugh 25:07 sc

  8. Lucas (rx)/Matt t (jmu)26:55 35
    Sydney/Jill h 29:03 pull-ups 15
    Colleen/Alex th 27:52 rr+bnd rd 20
    Matt d (c2b)/Karen s (rr) 28:32 10wb 20
    Rich a (Jess 10/Sc)/Pete d 27:17 rx 25

    Terry J (pull ups)/Ina (gobsq/rr) 27:40 (70/50/30reps) 10wb 15

  9. 430
    Raj and Esra 28:06 (transitions)
    Karen/ mike m 29:33 sc
    Alex tu/ Sid 30:05 sc
    Matt e/ Brian s/ Micah 24:50 mut
    Marissa/ Kate s 30:15 (jump to rings)

    Andrew m/ Noel 27:58 rx
    Steph mc/ Caitlyn 29:58 sc
    Sara and merna 20 ghd
    Jalona 29:02 jmu

  10. 6:30

    Justin C/Matt B 27:41 Rx/jmu
    Mike Mc/Becca K 30:05 sc/sc
