
W.O.D. 2.12.19

3 Rounds for time of:
500 Meter Row
20 Deadlifts (155/225#)
50 ft Handstand Walk

Community Note:
Bring friends and family on THURSDAY for our Special Valentine's Day work- out! All the classes are FREE!

“A man who conquers himself is greater than one who conquers a thousand men in battle”.
 – Buddha


  1. Cate 18:13 rx
    Aimee 14:11 rx
    Lucas 16:52 (185)
    Larissa 16:05 (85, hand shifts)
    Mak 16:30 (hand shifts)
    Jackie 15:35 (5 box walks)
    Mary h 18:39 (135/ 25’ hs walk)
    Susan a 17:34 (135, hand shifts)

  2. 1215
    Micah 18:35 rx
    JP 14:03 rx
    Pete D 16:40 (5ww)
    Kayla 13:23 rx
    Alex Th 16:31 (5ww)
    Carl B 17:48 rx
    Bridget 15:41 (115, 5 ww)
    Andrew Mc 17:55 (125, 5ww)

    Mom 14:03 (53kb)
    Dad 12:06 (97 kb)
    Barb Z 15:48 (70)
    Anne 13:06 (53, 10pu)

  3. Villanova
    Ashley 14:36 (shifts)
    Bri 15:42 (95, 2ww/ 10 shifts)
    Tyler 17:35 (205)
    Matt k 15:40 rx
    Subhan 17:40 (185, att/ ww)
    Heather 18:24 (135, ww)

    Steph v 16:43 (trap bar/ 15 push ups)
    Jenna 16:14 (kick ups att)

  4. 5:15/6a
    Jamie Sp 16:52 HS Walk att
    Anna L 15:23 Rx
    Jeremy D 17:23 HS Walk Att
    Theresa L 17:23 135#
    Holly F 16:33 115#/Box shoulder taps
    Ellie 20:20 HS Walk Att
    Mark Sp 19:10 165# HS Walk Att
    Sean S 15:05 Rx

    Matt D 16:50 185/Box Shoulder taps
    Jeff G 16:50 sc
    Mike P 18:07 185# HS Walk att
    Sam B 12:30 Box shoulder taps
    Chip 14:48 185/15 Shoulder taps
    Kevin B 15:35 185#
    Laura S 16:47 115#/Box shoulder taps
    Meg O 16:15 Rx

  5. Andrew M: 15:10 rx
    Remer: 13:50 rx
    Dr. Intensity: 19:47 (26 shifts)
    Jilla: 17:42 (125#)
    Manisha: 19:07 (25'A/135#)
    Keith: 19:07 rx
    Ina: 19:07 (25'A/75#)
    Erin: 16:54 (155#/26 hand release)
    Nathalie: 16:47 (155#/5 wall walks)
    Laura A: 19:59 (25")

  6. 5:30
    Matt E. 17:17 shifts
    Alona 16:45 shifts
    Jeff P. 12:27 rx
    Kevin H. 15:06 w2w
    Randy 18:25 hswa
    Colleen 15:36 145, shifts
    Caitlyn B. 15:49 135, w2w
    Steph C. 17:01 115, shifts
    Steph M. 17:36 135
    Mike L. 15:07 115, shifts

    Erik F. 18:31 185, KU
    Kim 18:35 105, KU att
    Cory 19:00 205, hswa

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