
W.O.D. 11.30.18

Join us tomorrow for the Bro-Down - come out to cheer on your favorite KOP teams!
All regular classes are cancelled tomorrow (12/1) and will resume on Sunday (12/2).

Partner WOD: 
2 Rounds: 
Row 1,000m 
100 Push Press (75/55#) 
75 Overhead Walking Lunges (45/25#-plate) 
50 Toes to Bar

*Break the work up as needed* 
*One person working at a time*

Please stop by to support the bromances of KOP who will be competing on Saturday:
Keith Bombar and Josh McVoy
Micah Minich
Jon Pistilli and Mike Simonson
Braden Rall and Joe Smutek
Mike Remer
Brian Strauss and Neil Delucca
Michael Coveney and Manny Rosas
Ryan Samson
Kevin Hain and Pete Dilullo
Gordy Jamieson and John Banis (Pop- Pop)
Kevin Lukens and Sam Bowen
Jeffrey Paul and Alan Kiel
Noel Salgado
Mark Spak and Kevin Bray
Matt Toto and Kevin Toto

“Ambition is a dream with a V8 engine.” 
—Elvis Presley


  1. Jeremy /Sean 22:43 Rx
    Brian S/Kevin B 24:25 v-ups
    Nikki/Anna 22:44 Rx
    Mike S/Todd/Justin C 31:10 scaled

    Did/Justin C 22:04 Rx
    Danielle/Mike P 23:46 floor T2B/Rx

  2. 930
    Tori and Manisha 30:20 (45#, 15)
    Mary and Patricia 27:57 (45#, rom ttb)
    Rich a/ jess a/ Jess m 31:13 (jess’ rom ttb)

  3. Aimee and Steph 22:37 (rx/ scaled)
    Christine and Cherie 28:40 (45/30, knees up)
    Pete D and Greg A 27:51 (65/35)
    Nicole N and Lesley 30:00 (33/45, knees up)

  4. 3:30
    Jill h (kr) /vinnie (sc) 30:46
    Ina(sc)/ donna(kr) 25:20
    Liz/Gia 30:36 kr/rom

  5. 4:30
    Sydney/grace 29:07 kr
    Roberto/king 26:14rx
    Mike m(sc)/Karen m (kr) 30:10
    Tunde(sc)/ Kate s (rom) 28:44

  6. 7 am
    Kevin L/ Sam B: 24:24 KR
    Raj / Esra: 27:16 k2c
    Amanda / Kat: 27:28 sc
    Colleen / Mac: 24:47 Rx / sc
    Jeff / Joelle: 28:)= :) 45, 25, kr
    Alex B / Missy: 26:28 45, 15, KR
    Marla / Joe: 25:12 RX / 65, 25
    Karen / Matt: 28:58 55/ 35, 25

    Amy / Tom: 28:40
    Faythe / Steph C: 27:04 sc
    Steph M / Caitlyn B: 25:40 sc
    Jeff P/ Andrew m: 18:56 RX
    Kayla C / Adam R: 20:20 RX
    Austin / Cass: 26:31 sc
    Alison K / Jill A: 22:57 sc / RX
    Cline / Trini: 29:51 sc
    Jaimie S / Sam: 24:18 sc

    Arvind / Chak: 34:11 sc / rx
    Kim / Sara J: 29:17 sc/ sc
    La/ Dansam 25:30 rx
