
W.O.D. 10.26.18

5 Rounds: 2min. Clock: 
20 Back Squats (115/75#) 
Max Calories on Rower 

Rest 2min. between rounds.
Record total Calories.

 Community Notes:
All weekend classes will be held in the Annex, 110 C DeKalb St. Please meet and park on the same side of the Annex.

WOLVERINE IS COMING!!! All day Wednesday October 31st
...and it's Costume Day- Best Costume gets some FREE gear from the CFKoP Store.

The Wolverine - is our "house" WOD, its run on Halloween each year and takes some "guts" to get through it and then you can have the "glory" of getting your name on the board.

For all you endurance (and ab) junkies this is the WOD to come to!

 What is the WOLVERINE anyway??
 6 Rounds for time of:
 10 Clean and Jerks 135#/95# 20 Pull-ups
 100 Sit-ups
 1 Lyons Loop Run (approx 600M)

(there will be a scaled version too!)

"Your true success in life begins only when you make the commitment to become excellent at what you do."
— Brian Tracy


  1. 5:15a/6a
    Jeremy D 98@95#
    Ben M 81@95#
    Kevin B 126 Rx
    Brian S 126 Rx
    Susan A 75@65#
    Holly F 73@65#
    Jaimie O 64@55#
    Laura s 51@55#
    Jamie Sp 104 Rx
    Mark Sp 101 Rx
    Theresa L 64 Rx
    Mike Sa 64@75#

    JP 126 Rx
    Dana D 78 Rx
    Nikki M 106 Rx
    Annie 70@45#
    Jeff g 38@75#

  2. 930
    Jackie 77 rx
    Steph v 83@ 63 to 20”
    Mary h 65 @55
    Kevin h 106 rx
    Lucas s 110 rx
    Jill h 59 @55
    Barb z 60 @35(17”)
    Jonathan 125 rx

    Aimee 89 rx
    Jenna 78 rx

    Rich a 123 rx
    Cal 146 rx
    Meredith 78 @55
    Jill r 54@ 35
    Tim h 79 @95
    Cherie 65 @50
    Randy 93rx
    Kyle g 72 rx

  3. 3:30pm
    liz 47@65/55
    gia 55@65
    rey 36@75(15reps)

    ina 45@60
    andrew m 114rx
    jen c 83rx
    julia r 67@65
    mike m 91@75
    remer 107rx
    sarah 61@55
    andrea 63@55
    amy 54@60
    danielle 84rx
    greg r 81@75
    alex tu 77@75
    kate s 89@65
    josh mc 118rx

  4. 5:30
    Jeff P: 125 RX
    Jilla 102 RX
    LA 83 RX
    Rekha 46 15#
    Caitlyn B: 58 RX!
    Becky S: 74 RX
    Tom: 47 rX
    Alona: 93 RX

    Neil D: 107 RX
    Jasmin: 47 20#
    Ari: 85 RX
    Kim: 57: 35
    May: 63 saft bar 75
    Mike M: 98

    7 am:
    Joelle W: 46 (65)
    Alex B: 49 (65)
    Sam: 127 RX
    Matt: 101 (75)
    Esra: 53 RX
    Alex L: 63 RX
    Lisa: 30 :)
