
W.O.D. 10.22.18

3 Rounds for time of:
25 Toes to Bar
25 Dumbbell Push Press (35/50#)
100 Double Unders

Community Notes: 
WOLVERINE IS COMING!!! All day Wednesday October 31st
...and it's Costume Day- Best Costume gets some FREE gear from the CFKoP Store.

The Wolverine - is our "house" WOD, its run on Halloween each year and takes some "guts" to get through it and then you can have the "glory" of getting your name on the board.

For all you endurance (and ab) junkies this is the WOD to come to!

 What is the WOLVERINE anyway??
 6 Rounds for time of:
 10 Clean and Jerks 135#/95# 20 Pull-ups
 100 Sit-ups
 1 Lyons Loop Run (approx 600M)

(there will be a scaled version too!)

"Our greatest glory is not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall."
 — Confucius


  1. 6am
    Matt D 17:21 15-15-25TTB/25/2min(100Su+DUA)
    Nikki M 17:48 Rx
    Todd W 18:31 setup/35/2min (100su+dua)
    Manisha 19:24 Rom/20#

    Allison (AZ) 21:20 KR, 15#, 200SU, 4Rnds
    Joe C 23:25 35
    Anna C 17:51 10TTB (Plus TTBA), 20, 15Calbike
    Mak 18:28 VUP

  2. 930
    Lucas 18:50 (45#, 50du)
    Kevin h 17:15 (45#)
    Mary h 16:15 (25#,50du, t2b rom)
    Jess a 18:24 (25#, t2b swing,100 su)
    Barb z 15:26 (15#, rr, 15cal)
    Steph v 16:13 (15 cal bike; 25#, knee raise)

  3. Cal a 19:08 rom/2min(100su+dua)
    Rich a 15:31rx
    Matt t 19:25 35/50du
    Kevin t 19:19 40
    Remer 15:33 Rx
    Cherie 17:00 kr/15/2min(100su+dua)
    Meredith 18:04 kr/ 25/2min(100su+dua)
    Nicole n 19:03 rr/kr

  4. 5:15a
    Ben M 20:45 35#/35DU/ROM
    Kevin B 19:34 45#
    Anna L 16:10 Rx
    Mike San 24:35 KR/30#
    Susan A 18:29 K2E/25#/50DU
    Ellie 20:19 30#
    Theresa L 18:37 25#
    Jeremy D 15:41 K2E/45#
    Jaimie O 17:52 25#/KR/25DU
    Colleen 18:20 KR/30#
    Sean S 19:29 45#
    Laura A 19:46 Rx
    Laura S 12:12 15#/KR/25DU

  5. Villanova
    Albert 19:29 (t2ba, su/du)
    Cate 16:58 (50du,20#)
    Bri 15:31 (kr, 2:00dua, 20#)
    Heather 15:15 (kr, 2:00dua, 20#)
    Matt K 17:22 rx
    Tyler 16:08 (35#)
    Mike M 18:32 I25, t2ba, 2:00dua)
    Subhan 17:00 (20#, 100su, t2ba)

    Ina 19:40 (20/3# god)
    Holly F 20:46 (kip swings, 20#, 50dua)

  6. 430
    Julie r 22:07 (30,15du, rom ttb)
    Karen m 17:10 (25/20, 15dua)
    Mark sp 25:01 (45#)
    Jamie s 13:58 ghd
    Lucille 14:35 (12#,10 ttb swing,15 pp,25du)
    Raj 23:33 (30,ttb swing)
    Possum 18:01 rx
    Donna g 17:38 (kr, 40dua, 25)
    Mike m 19:40 (35, dua, a mat)

    Twinnie 19:30 (25,50 dua)
    Dan m 18:04 (15 ttb, 25,2:00dua)
    Alona 24:19 (30, and some others)
    Keith 17:40 (65 single arm,abmat)
    Caitlyn 19:29 (25,15ttb)
    Danielle g 18:24 (t2p, 30)
    Amy 22:36 (200 su, t2p, 15)
    Alex th 19:40:(25, 2:00)
    Kate sp 18:45 (25,2:00)
    Micah 18:43 rx
    Cory 16:30 (45,2:00)
    Joe s 18:21 rom
    Braden 17:17:rx
    Randy 18:28 45#
    Dana d 17:39 (30)
    Rekha 17:16 (8, su, abmat)
    Brian 17:38 (35, 175 su)
    Matt b 22:34 (50, rom, su)
    Shawna 20:06 (20#,2:00 dua)

  7. 6:30

    Fayth 16:32 rom/20/30du
    Steph C 15:13 rom/20/(50-75-100dus)
    Jeff P 16:40 Rx
    Amy 16:22 ab/15/25dua
    Jonathan did work
    Kim 18:28 rom/15/25dua
    Greg A 21:31 35#
    Erik 21:340 ab/40/50dus

  8. Alan 16:20 (box sit ups, 15#, plate jumps)
    Greg 17:15 (30#, su)
    Ari 12:30 (knee raises, su)
    Yazmine 13:00 (knee raises, 10#, su)
    Marissa 18:57 (15 TTB, 25#)
    Garrett 17:50 (25#, su)
    Chuck 16:56 (30#, dua)
    Missy 13:10 (ground sc, 20#, su)
    Alex 19:18 (ground sc, 25#, 30 DU)
    Esra 18:58 (10 TTB, 25#, 30 du)
    Neil 20:32 (25 DUA)
    Michael Roth 20:17 (35#)

  9. Aimee 15:29 Rx
    Cate 15:43 Rx
    Jenna 19:44 15 reps pp
