
W.O.D. 10.10.18

For time:
Row 5000/4000 Meters

*Every 3min. including the start, perform...
5 Clean and Jerks (125/185#)*

"Success is the result of perfection, hard work, learning from failure, loyalty, and persistence." 
- Colin Powell


  1. Lucas 32:00 145
    Mark 28:39 105
    Joelle 32:13 85(4reps)
    Anna c 31:50 65
    Mark c 29:02 135 (4reps)

  2. Nice work early morning classes pushing thru this longer and heavy workout as well. Everyone put in the effort even with the struggle to breath- but then gathering yourself over and over again to keep going on to next rep anyway especially in a longer time domain workout.

    Ben M 38:06 115#
    Kevin B 26:59 115/135#?????
    Jafet 27:43 155#
    King 33:48 135/95
    Nikki 29:42 squat cleans@125
    Matt Toto 32:13 115/4000m row
    Susan 31:41 75#
    Laura Smith 31:54 75#
    Colleen 38:28 105#
    Mark S 35:30 135/4reps
    Mike S 38:10 95#
    Jamie S 41:08 Rx

    Annie 37:39 53#
    Dana D 41:34 105#
    Laura Alt. 29:54 105#
    Matt D 22:11 185 (deadlift sub)
    Jeff G 35:15 75#
    Justin C 32:18 285# (deadlift sub w/ hex bar)

  3. 9:30

    Jackie H. 29:04,125# clean
    Mary H. 31:58,85#
    Nicole N. 35:12,55#,last two sets clean only
    Lesley B. 37:50,55#
    Donna G. 26:44,70#
    Chris R. 37:41,75#
    Karen S. 31:52,55#

    12:15 EXP

    Rich A. 32:40 Rx
    Tim H. 21:00,2854m,115#
    Jonathan T. 😊
    Pete D. 34:33,135#
    Cal A. 28:45,135#
    Dan M. 4000m,27:00,105#

  4. Villanova
    Matt k 32:40 (165)
    Albert 29:55 (95)
    Heather 26:50 (65)
    Subhan 38:15 (95)
    Mike m 36:00

  5. 630
    Mike c 37:11 (105)
    Liz 31:51 (55)
    Gia 31:51 (75)
    Caitlyn 32:57 (85)
    Danielle 28:56 (105)

    Alex 29:25 (75/65, dl 125)
    Missy 32:04 (65x 3)
    Rom 27:00 (4K, 65)
    Mae 29:15 (63 cleans)
    Greg h 34:35 (4K, 95)
    Marissa 31:44 (95)

  6. 430

    kate s 28:43 85
    holly f ?
    alex tu 33:35 85 (just rowing half way)
    julie r 23:33 85
    andrea 25:56 55
    Kyle G 38:40 165
    Esra 32:02 95
    RAJ ?
    Jess A 32:56 75 (ended with cleans only)
    John T 38:39 135
    Anna L 26:14 Rx
    Josh M 38:50 154 (7 rounds with 3 reps)
    Alicia 31:12 105 (6 rounds 3 reps)
    Lamar 43:?? 75/4reps

  7. 5:30pm
    Farrah 32:19 45/3reps
    Rekah 29:35 25/3k
    Braden 29:36 155
    Marinna 29:11 95
    Matt B 32:50 5/3reps 155
    Alex Th 27:00 75
    Nicole M 32:18 95cln
    Amy 29:28 45
    Andrew M 32:04 Rx
    Shawna 34:44 85
    Jen C 28:26 Rx

  8. Aimee 32:54 RX
    Jenna 26:28 105#
    Lea 22:52 105# Cleans
