
W.O.D. 9.30.18

With a Partner, one athlete works at a time:
For time:
100 Burpees
80 Hang Power Cleans (75/115#)
60 Front Rack Lunges (in place) (75/115#)
40 Pull-ups
800 M Run (together)

Community Notes:
All weekend classes will be held in the Annex, 110 C DeKalb St. 

Please meet and park on the same side of the Annex.

"Through perseverance many people win success out of what seemed destined to be certain failure." 
-Benjamin Disraeli

1 comment:

  1. Danielle + Theresa: 19:58 Rx
    Pam + DD: 16:19 (P: Fsq Sub HPC; D: Rx)
    Colleen + Missy: 19:30 (C: band, J: strict chin up)
    Mae + Laura A: 21:33 (M: band, L: Rx)
    Greg + Mark C: 19:25 (105#)
    Alan: 20:04 (25 ea of burpee, HPC @ 35#, Fsq @ 35#, wall pushup, walk 800m)

    Kim + Alona + Nicole M: 20:48 (K: 35#, pu rom, N: 65#, bar row, A: Rx)
    Neil + Rahmon: 22:11 (R: 95#)
